Othello essay describing the effectiveness and importance of Act Three Scene Three.

Essay by superier1High School, 11th gradeA, January 2004

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The play 'Othello' was written in the 17th Century by William Shakespeare, at this time blacks were often seen as strange, mysterious and exotic. In the play Shakespeare breaks the stereotype; Othello, whom is black, has outstanding qualities and is the hero in many senses. Othello is a tragic play involving romance, love, murder and deceit.

Through the use of imagery, characterization, language and his use of dramatic devices, Shakespeare illustrates the importance and effectiveness of Act Three Scene Three.

In Act Three Scene Three, Cassio, having obtained Desdemona's promise of help, takes his leave- but not before Othello has seen him with Desdemona. Iago is quick to rouse Othello's qualms, and when Desdemona begins to plead for Cassio she finds little response from her husband. Iago renews his attack on the moor, whose trust in Desdemona begins to vacillate. When Desdemona drops her handkerchief it is picked up by Emilia, who, oblivious of what her husband plans to use it for, gives it to him.

Othello returns and Iago continues to stimulate his jealousy, finally Othello is convinced. His trust in Desdemona is shattered, and he vows revenge. Iago promises assistance; in this the central scene of the play, Othello begins to lose control of the situation and Iago takes possession.

During Act Three Scene Three the audience witnesses a turn of events, through his knowledge of other characters and his manipulation, Iago is able to stimulate 'the green-eyed monster' within Othello. Slowly in this scene, the audience start to see a change in Othello, his vulnerability is exploited to great depths by Iago. From the moment Iago enters with Othello he plants suspicion in Othello's mind, 'Ha! I like not that'(Act Three, Scene Three, line 35)...