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Essay List
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  • Ideas

    I can see that this essay is an explication of the poem and possible meanings. I think this was done with clarity and ease that is shown in all your writting pieces. A possible improvement would be to look at the resistant readings and furthurmore explain to the reader why the examples you used reflected that meaning. This can be done by lookin at the literary techniques, and the context of the time - who was the poem written for.
    • 24/08/2004
    • 02:58:44
    • Score: 26 out of 37 people found this comment useful.
  • Thoughts

    i cannot say i am the best judgement upon this essay as i have not had much experience with this text. However from this point of view the essay is well written and passes on the thesis well to any reader irrelevant of their own personal context. The use of examples provided a vivid image of the portaryl of the characters and provided a basis for intelligent points to be drawn upon. The only criticism of this piece remains in the structure. The examples used were relevant and yet their use provided a slight awkwardness to the piece, my only advice would be to try and embed the quotes in your writting as if part of the sentence. The characters are portrayed to be "humble," and the advice of "tread carefully child," suggests the condescendnig attitude of the masters. (possibly not the best example but i hope you see my point.) All in all an excellent essay - i enjoyed reading this because of the intelligent points and the depth of the analysis.
    • 23/08/2004
    • 08:49:07
    • Score: 41 out of 49 people found this comment useful.