Essays Tagged: "Vespasiano"

The Vespasiano Memoirs

Vespasiano de Bisticci was born in 1421 in Basticci, a village near Florence (Gilmore, Vespasiano, x ... was still considered to be part of the middle class (on the high end), he was very much respected. Vespasiano had worked his way up to his status in the stationers' guild and established his career f ... d his way up to his status in the stationers' guild and established his career from there (Gilmore, Vespasiano, xi-xii)1 . In THE VESPASIANO MEMOIRS: Lives of Illustrious Men of the XVth Century, Vesp ...

(3 pages) 1034 0 0.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History