Essays Tagged: "Verdun"

The battle of the Somme

y German manpower.At first the plan was to use mainly French soldiers but when the Germans attacked Verdun in February 1916 it turned the Somme offensive into a very large British attack. Haig was now ...

(1 pages) 44 0 3.6 Feb/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Age of Anxiety, a few small errors

, lucky enough to still be alive returned home, it was to a land which knew nothing of the Somme or Verdun. "A land fit for heroes"? Perhaps.Never such innocence,Never before or since,As changed itsel ...

(29 pages) 346 0 3.2 Mar/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

Was Louis XIV merely concerned with 'la gloire' in his foreign policy?

mies of France might threaten the state's security. The three imperial bishoprics of Metz, Toul and Verdun were strategically situated on the north-eastern frontier. They had been occupied by French t ...

(5 pages) 50 1 5.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Battle of the Somme

lay the second army of General Fritz von Below, depleted by the removal of forces for the attack on Verdun, lacking any appreciable army reserves.From May to July, both sides prepared their armies, st ...

(3 pages) 20 0 0.0 Sep/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

Why was the first day of the Battle of the Somme a failure?

in an attempt to end the stalemate, and to relieve pressure on the French Army who were fighting at Verdun. The Germans had said they had intended to 'bleed France white' at Verdun. The battle was als ...

(4 pages) 29 1 4.2 Sep/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

World war 1 notes on the reasons for stalemate on the western front

. The Western Front was the name given to the line of trenches stretching from the Belgium coast to Verdun. Following the Battle of Marne and Aisne of 1914, both sides dug in believing trenches to be ... s and aerial support all served the purpose of shortening the war. Both the Battle of the Somme and Verdun represent the respective mass pushes to topple the enemy. However the Somme was left unchecke ...

(2 pages) 26 1 4.2 Aug/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Effects WWI had on civilians.

There were enormous numbers of loss of lives. For example 315000 French soldiers died at the war in Verdun only in 10 months. The nonstop death of the soldiers are caused by the people who were contro ...

(2 pages) 19 0 3.0 Oct/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Compare the importance or at least three factors which affected the lives of the civilian population during the First World War.

ion was the fact that many cities were attacked and demolished. An example of this is the Battle of Verdun. Verdun is a key city in France, which is the gate for supplies to reach soldiers out on the ... nto a big area of rubble. This no doubt affected the lives of the people who were living in or near Verdun. This played a big factor because many other cities were also destroyed by Axis and Allies al ...

(1 pages) 13 0 1.0 Oct/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

The Deadliest Battles Of WW1.

ere two deadliest wars which happened during 1916 in Europe. They were the battles of the Somme and Verdun which made a bunch of troops and people died. But, what made these wars were the deadliest? T ... by using machine guns. Artillery bombardment which often happened during the battle of the some and Verdun, also made many troops died and raised the general's temper to destroy his enemies. They used ...

(3 pages) 21 0 2.0 Jan/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Maria Sineşti - prototipul personajului feminin în opera lui Camil Petrescu

asista la o bătaie de flori la Sosea, in timp ce ziarele aruncate printre flori vorbesc despre Verdun.Drama a absolutului, scriitura ilustrează in fond principiul camilpetrescian: "totul sau ...

(7 pages) 13 0 3.0 Jan/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

First-Person Impressions Of "The Battle Of The Somme"

ess which the Somme campaign might yield. The necessity of relieving pressure on the French Army at Verdun remains, and is more urgent than ever. This is, therefore, the first objective to be obtained ... that war could be so dreadful. The carnage in our little sector was as bad, or worse, than that of Verdun, and yet I never saw a body buried in ten days. And when I came on the scene the whole place, ...

(11 pages) 23 0 0.0 Jun/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Battle of the somme

omme river.In February the Germans forced a change in the original plans by attacking the French at Verdun. The Somme area was not great for offense. This was a great place for the Germans to defend b ... ey wanted to put more punishment on the German army. The attacks on the Somme helped the defense of Verdun. The Germans moved there artillery from Verdun to Somme. Soon after that the German chief of ...

(2 pages) 19 0 3.0 Oct/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Battles of world war one

resign as first lord of admiralty.Another very important battle of World War One was the battle of Verdun. The French stationed a lot of forces in Verdun, then Germany attacked. On the first day of t ... s fell on the French positions. Soon Fort Douaumont an important French defensive position north of Verdun fell to the Germans. The defense of the town was entrusted to Philippe Petain the next day. T ...

(3 pages) 1619 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Describe the causes, events and consequences of the Battle of

Describe the causes, events and consequences of the Battle of Verdun.The Battle of Verdun, fought between German and French forces was one of the major devastatin ... of the First World War. It was fought for ten months, from February to December 1916. The battle of Verdun is considered by historians one of the lengthiest battles in world history, involving a vast ... ommon reference as ?the battlefield with the highest density of dead per square yard. The battle of Verdun was the cause of some of the most brutal events of World War One, which is an extremely depre ...

(5 pages) 3606 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Battle of Verdun

The World War I Battle of Verdun (Feb. 21-Nov. 26, 1916), an unsuccessful German effort to take the offensive in the west, was ... e of the Marne. Falkenhayn intended to impose a ruinous battle of attrition on the French armies in Verdun as the city held great strategic and symbolic importance to the French.The BattleThe battle o ... ch von Falkenhayn, began with a furious bombardment followed by an attack on the region surrounding Verdun, which lay in the middle of an Allied salient jutting into the German zone in northeastern Fr ...

(3 pages) 22 1 3.0 Jan/2009

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

How far was the Battle of Verdun and Somme turning points on the western front in 1915

7th October 2013 James Palles-Clark 4AHow far was the Battle of Verdun and Somme turning points on the western front in 1915-1918.Over many years, many different hi ... 5-1918.Over many years, many different historians have debated over whether The Battle of Somme and Verdun were actually turning points in the long, and gruesome First World War. Many historians have ... ovide both sides to the debate and also state my view at the end, that I believe that The Somme and Verdun were turning points in the First World War.Fighting on the Western front between 1914 and 191 ...

(7 pages) 0 0 0.0 Oct/2014

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History