Essays Tagged: "Trojan"

The Illiad

orsHekuba wife of PriamAeneas son of Aphrodite; TrojanAphrodite Daughter of Zeus; goddess of love; motherof Aeneas; patron ... Daughter of Zeus; goddess of love; motherof Aeneas; patron of Paris; on the Trojans'sideAthena daughter of Zeus; goddess of wisdom; onthe Achaian side ...

(6 pages) 160 0 3.2 Sep/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies

Greek Gods in the Iliad

d.On the other hand, Zeus's wife, Hera, displayed the more typical actions of a god. After Paris, a Trojan, judged Aphrodite the fairest over Hera, and, after her daughter Hebe was replaced as cupbear ... he fairest over Hera, and, after her daughter Hebe was replaced as cupbearer to the gods by a young Trojan boy, she was quite resentful towards Troy and its people. Obviously she sided with the Greeks ...

(4 pages) 130 0 3.4 Jan/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Mythology

Structural Levels of the Iliad

e consequences and outcomes of the war. The universal war of the gods, social war of the Greeks and Trojans, and the private war of Achilles' honor are structural levels of the Trojan war. These struc ... n the gods over the apple of discord consequently lead to the social war between the Greeks and the Trojans. For example, Aphrodite promised Paris that he could have the most beautiful woman in the wo ...

(4 pages) 71 0 3.4 Apr/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Mythology

Being a Hero, an essay on the Aeneid and how the gods make a hero who he is Sometimes a little wordy,

nd bring them all to heel with your bright bolt,What in the world could my Aeneas do,What could the Trojans do, to so offend you?Jupiter then assures Venus that he will keep his promise to allow Aenea ... ce in which Venus uses her influence to assist Aeneas is during the fifth book. When Aeneas and the Trojans leave Sicily, Venus fears that Juno will attempt to kill Aeneas again, and so asks Neptune f ...

(6 pages) 119 1 4.4 Feb/1997

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Mythology

Gods and Goddesses of Greek Mythology

Apollo, and Zeus play significant roles in the lives of the characters and the events of the Greek-Trojan War.Athena plays a very influential role in the Greek-Trojan War. She is the most constant di ... e Greek-Trojan War. She is the most constant divine supporter of the Greeks and divine enemy of the Trojans. Athena's function is to be a goddess of pro-Greek warfare. She came to the aid of the Greek ...

(7 pages) 254 0 4.2 Jan/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Mythology

"Computer Viruses"

sands of known virus programs exist.Three types of viruses are a boot sector virus, file virus, and Trojan horse virus. A boot sector virus infects the boot program used to start the system. When the ... s code into program files. The virus then spreads to any program that accesses the infected file. A Trojan horse virus (names after the Greek myth) hides within or is designed to look like a legitimat ...

(1 pages) 296 3 4.3 Nov/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science > Internet and networking

"Leda and the Swan" by William Butler and "The Iliad" by Homer .

ultimately Zeus's will. For instance, when the Argives built the wall during the time when both the Trojan and Argives were burying their dead Poseidon became infuriated when Agamemnon forgot to make ... ars to come when the manifestation of his act comes in the form of Helen. Helen, the reason for the Trojan War, does his bidding by helping destroying Troy. The broken wall alluded to the broken wall ...

(5 pages) 79 1 2.8 Apr/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Mythology

Bible god vs. Iliad Gods.

d.On the other hand, Zeus's wife, Hera, displayed the more typical actions of a god. After Paris, a Trojan, judged Aphrodite the fairest over Hera, and, after her daughter Hebe was replaced as cupbear ... he fairest over Hera, and, after her daughter Hebe was replaced as cupbearer to the gods by a young Trojan boy, she was quite resentful towards Troy and its people. Obviously she sided with the Greeks ...

(4 pages) 80 0 2.0 May/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Greek Language & Literature

Criteria for Heroes

est example of Achilles fighting skill is when he fights with and kills Hector, the greatest of the Trojan warriors. However, this fight may have never happened if Athena had not disguised herself as ... ghout The Iliad. When he tells Agamemnon that he is withdrawing himself and all his forces from the Trojan War, Achilles makes it sound as if he has done greater things than anyone, putting himself on ...

(4 pages) 57 0 3.8 Mar/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies

How does Aeneas present himself and his people in Book 2 of the Aeneid?

ortray himself in the face of adversity. As a result Virgil is able to emphasise the bravery of the Trojans in contrast with the merciless Greeks, showing that although the ancestors of the Romans los ... ngdom that will be mourned forever, and all the horrors I have seen.' Virgil's aim is to accentuate Trojan success despite calamity, and this opening speech sets the tone for the rest of Book Two.Aene ...

(12 pages) 51 0 2.7 May/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies

Summary of seminar notes for Virgil's "The Aeneid"

to that of Rome and Greece. The founding of the Americas was compared to the founding of Rome. The Trojan's genuine peaceful intentions were compared to the intentions of the American settlers that w ...

(2 pages) 23 0 3.0 Nov/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies

Analysis of Hector- "The Illiad"

Belonging to the Trojans, Hector was a useful and skilled fighter in the war, and was said to be the strongest on the ... y not only watched him die but also had to see his body suffer. Death was an important thing to the Trojans and it was morally destroying for Hector's family to see their son's body be mistreated. In ...

(1 pages) 17 0 0.0 May/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Greek Language & Literature

Virgil portrays Aeneas as a Trojan hero,

Virgil portrays Aeneas as a Trojan hero, a warrior who will lead his people to safety, found a new Trojan state, and establish o ... and exhibits his confidence as a leader by saying all the right things at the right time. When the Trojans reach Lavinia, Aeneas continues to act as the good ruler. He sends gifts to Latinus and make ...

(1 pages) 19 0 0.0 Sep/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Greek Language & Literature

Process Ana.

people they encounter but, when Aeneas becomes the "roman,"� he is no longer the hospitable Trojan he once was. By the end of Virgil's epic, however, Aeneas is no longer a nostalgic and caring ... e of Aeneas, of Troy City"� (Book 1, Line 767-768). He is constantly looked at as the heroic Trojan and the one who will essentially find a new home and life for all his people. We can see what ...

(6 pages) 1115 0 0.0 Sep/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Comparison of the illiads achi

se two men were different was that one was fighting for the Troy, the other for Greece. Hector, the Trojan, not only had different reasons for fighting with Achilles; he was also very different in his ...

(2 pages) 1362 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Greek Language & Literature

Comparison of the illiads achi

se two men were different was that one was fighting for the Troy, the other for Greece. Hector, the Trojan, not only had different reasons for fighting with Achilles; he was also very different in his ...

(2 pages) 18 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Greek Language & Literature


joke its like OOCHIE WALLIE WALLIE! From my point of view, if your responsible enough to not use Mr Trojan man, you should be responsible enough to have and maintain a child. It takes 2 to have a kid. ...

(2 pages) 14 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

To what extent was the Greek victory at Troy due to military tactics and technology, rather than military intelligence?

Greek victory at Troy due to military tactics and technology, rather than military intelligence?The Trojan War has been an epidemic for historians to express their viewpoints. It is the ultimate tale ... evidence explaining how modern tactics and intelligence have evolved from our ancestral roots. The Trojan War has one famous military tactic known to most as the Trojan horse. In this essay I will be ...

(6 pages) 17 1 4.0 Jul/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Computer Foundation

rom that company. Use anti spyware software to protect the computer system. Watch out for virus and Trojans that might be put on your computer by a criminal. Trojans horse come from a program that can ... or instant messages unless you open them first. Use a firewall or a firewall program to screen out Trojan, virus, and other miss leading mail. All way use anti software to keep your computer safe tha ...

(4 pages) 17 0 3.0 Dec/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science > Internet and networking

Hector vs. Achilles in the Iliad

XXI, Achilles shows everyone the Achaeans’ battleprowess when he went to the river and killed Trojan soldiers one by one becauseof rage (XXI 493-495). Hector, on the other hand, was a man who wa ... an time period, a hero was likely thought of war heroes or a nobleking. The Achaeans along with the Trojans believed that if individual wanted to become ahero, one had to win on the battlefield. One o ...

(4 pages) 42 0 0.0 Jan/2009

Subjects: Humanities Essays