Essays Tagged: "Territory (animal)"

The Mighty Lion

ach lion has its responsibility in the pride. It is the male lion's job to defend the pride and its territory from outsider (Overback-23). Lions, just like dogs mark their territory with urine, which ... ness is in charge of basically taking care of the young, but, while the male lion is protecting the territory, it is the lioness job to do the most hunting. The cubs are helpless when they are born an ...

(11 pages) 40 0 3.0 Mar/1995

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

This essays describes the life of a tiger. Very detailed explanation of physical characteristics, life style, habitat, and current statistics on the endangered species.

ossibly be heard up to two miles away. The purpose of this shocking roar is either for claiming its territory or attempting to attract a mate.Tigers are the largest of the big cats, and although diffi ... ation.Once the kill has been made the tiger will drag the carcass, sometimes a great distance, to a territory that is more familiar and with more brush. Depending on the size, the kill is often saved ...

(7 pages) 58 0 3.7 Nov/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Zoology

Cats and Dogs The Difference Between Men and Women

arefree life, and who does not care about what others think of its appearance. Dogs also mark their territory, and cats assume all territory is theirs, again showing that the cat does not work hard fo ...

(2 pages) 73 0 4.1 Mar/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Along The Lines Of Optimizing Performance

whether or not teams have an advantage when playing at home.According to scientific research, home territory provides a significant advantage to individuals who are contending with rivals.In the anim ...

(3 pages) 1085 0 0.0 Aug/2001

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Organism Physiology of the Sugar Glider

aggressive, territorial, and at times causing fatal injuries to other gliders that impose on their territory. The aggressive behavior is also responsible in part to the sugar glider's secondary name ... vity. The males use the chest and forehead scent glands as a way to identify his mates and mark his territory (Rogers, 2001). The limited territory to choose from may be responsible for this adaptatio ...

(3 pages) 1 0 0.0 Aug/2014

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology