Essays Tagged: "Tajomaru"


urderer in all four versions of the events of that afternoon. However, the viewer need only analyze Tajomaru's version of the facts to know that the writer/director, in a veiled but tactful manner, me ... rape is not even worthy of a passing thought where there is the much greater issue of a man's death.Tajomaru, the bandit, tells the first full version of the events, and is the only character that des ...

(6 pages) 1269 0 0.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

who killed Takioro

testimonies it is certain that Takehiro had been found dead and that the main suspect is the thief, Tajomaru. All the participants agreed that Tajomaru led Masago, Takehiro's wife, and Takehiro to the ... Masago, Takehiro's wife, and Takehiro to the bamboo forest, promising them cheap stolen treasures. Tajomaru then tied up Takehiro and raped Masago. The thief leaves with Takehiro's possessions and Ma ...

(5 pages) 1 0 0.0 Jul/2014

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama