Essays Tagged: "Sexual addiction"

Don't touch my monkey. About sexual addiction

Don't Touch My Monkey! Sexual addiction, can be better defined if compared with other types of addicts. There is little dif ... solated since the primary relationship he/she depends on is a chemical and not other people. Sexual addiction is parallel. In order for the sexual addict to feel "normal" he/she will substitute ... becomes central to their life. They will be willing to jeopardize everything that they love. Sexual addicts progressively go through stages in which they go further away from reality of friends ...

(2 pages) 146 1 4.1 Dec/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sex & Sexuality

This is a paper written on the internet and its effects on society. It is opinionated also, so it is not just fact. It was written for my Business law class.

nother disadvantage is that people aren't spending as much time with their families as they should. Addiction is a re-ocuring problem that is being found. Some daily activities are pushed aside becaus ... ecause there isn't enough time anymore. There are so many things to see and do on the internet that addiction is easy. Things such as: Chat rooms, instant messages, games, pornography, and other inter ...

(3 pages) 209 0 3.1 Jan/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science > Internet and networking

What is a cheater?

because of the close intimates. In today's society men and women are thrown together for hours and sexual tension are running high in both the males and the females. Many messages are conveyed and so ... are conveyed and some are misread. For instance, a simple bat of an eye can cause a male to let his sexual impulse take over or a nice compliment can give a women the message.I believe that men who ch ...

(4 pages) 49 0 3.0 Oct/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays

Addictions: Willpower is Not Enough

Since the word addiction was first coined, there are has been much debate on what classifies as an addiction and wh ... en much debate on what classifies as an addiction and what causes addiction. Some professionals see addiction as a character flaw, while others see addiction as a biological vulnerability. The biggest ... lnerability. The biggest question that remains unanswered, however, is "why are we so vulnerable to addiction?" There are many factors that make individuals vulnerable to addiction.The first of these ...

(5 pages) 59 0 0.0 Apr/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Sex Addiction Description and Treatments

CSW, defines sex addiction as: "A man or woman who engages in persistent and escalating patterns of sexual behaviors acted out despite harmful consequences or potential consequences to self or others" ... her their actions are causing problems in their life and they return to the behavior anyway. Should sexual behaviors have caused consequences legally, within relationships, at work, or with emotional ...

(4 pages) 82 0 4.5 Dec/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Mental Health


sing such websites in cyberspace aren't even old enough to understand the complete meaning of human sexuality. More often, the adults accessing these websites, who do have a common understanding of se ... ebsites, who do have a common understanding of sexuality, begin to obtain distorted views of normal sexual behavior. In order to save our children's innocence and America's moral values, pornography s ...

(2 pages) 29 0 0.0 Feb/2001

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues


Pornography and sexual addiction leads to the desecration of the values and morals of all people, especially when di ... lly when directed toward women, therefore, pornography should be banned worldwide. Pornography is a sexual behavior that is degrading and abusive to the individual or individuals who are participating ... and murder. Americans should be concerned with the world's moral development and ethical values for sexual arousal. Sexual arousal is a part of human nature for reproduction of mankind and animals, bu ...

(6 pages) 39 0 5.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Cyberaddiction: Too Big A Problem?

icted!" That was a fictitious story describing a small portion of what the term "cyberaddiction" means. You cannot find it in a dictionary. This is because it is not an official me ... e much of their time worrying about it. Several hundred children's grades have dropped due to "cyberaddiction", but that is the full length of it. I agree with Dr. Suler for the most part ...

(5 pages) 8 0 0.0 Jul/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

I Can't Stop Fucking Copulating

-step program for people with anomalous behaviors. It will be called Anomalous Behaviors Anonymous. Sexual addiction is not known about amongst the general population, but mental health professionals ... behavioral disorder for almost twenty years now. However, the DSM IIIr does not have a listing for Sexual Addiction (DSM IIIr "“ Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders III revised ...

(5 pages) 50 0 3.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Sex on the Brain By: Sylvester Glover For: Psy 201.013

Sex on the Brain By: Sylvester Glover For: Psy 201.013 Prof Jurgens The case files of sexual addiction tell some rather disturbing stories. A woman?s husband went to the office to do som ... n 1978 that clinicians began recognizing this addiction as a disease.Addiction to sex begins with a sexual experience that temporarily relieves anxiety, loneliness, and distracts one from problems tha ... I?ve heard people say that sex is a way to cope with stress many times, but when we repeatedly seek sexual acts to relieve anxiety, loneliness, and stress is when we get into the cycle of sex addictio ...

(5 pages) 1175 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

Definition of Addiction

When most people think of addiction, they think of potheads and alcoholics. Although those are the most common types of addict ... are also more bizarre things like sex addicts and gambling. In a sense, every person has a form of addiction. Whether to caffeine, or food, or cleaning, they are all small kinds of addiction. Like, i ... h their former selves, and lose everything they ever had, just for a drink or a few hits. Having an addiction can scar a family and leave charred relationships in its wake. Most people dealing with ad ...

(2 pages) 1214 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

Understanding Sexual Addiction and Possible Treatments

Men and women who have or exhibit excessive or unusual sexual urges or behaviors can be considered sex addicts. An example would be a man who sits at his c ... rital affairs, knowing this could end her marriage and possibly result in her being infected with a sexually transmitted disease. These are just two examples of possible compulsive sexual behaviors.To ... sist the reader in understanding the process of this addiction and possible treatment plans.What is sexual addiction and how do you treat it? Compulsive sexuality is an addiction. Sex addicts will exp ...

(7 pages) 64 0 0.0 Apr/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Nymphomania, hypersexuality, erotomania, perversion, sexual obsession, sexual addiction

Most common among men, sexual addiction is an overwhelming desire to have sex. Sexual behavior becomes a problem and is con ... ered an addiction when it is repeated often enough to interfere with normal daily living. Addictive sexual behavior interferes with relationships, work, friendships, and lifestyle.There is a line betw ... friendships, and lifestyle.There is a line between being enjoying sex, its peripheral pleasures and sexual addiction. In sexual addiction long periods of time are given over to sex-related activities. ...

(1 pages) 8 0 0.0 Jul/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sex & Sexuality

Sexology and Sex Research

Sexology is an interdisciplinary science that focuses on diverse aspects of human sexuality, studying human sexual development, relationships, and intercourse, sexual malfunctions, s ... and intercourse, sexual malfunctions, sexually transmitted diseases, and pathologies such as child sexual abuse or sexual addiction. It has still not been fully recognized as a separate professional ... n science during the second half of the 19th century. However, interest for the management of human sexuality has been present for centuries in various cultural traditions that greatly differ in level ...

(10 pages) 70 0 3.8 Apr/2009

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Anthropology

Summary of the Chapters of "Crimes of the Internet"

Page | � PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT �6� Section 1: Chapter 1: Sexual addiction to the internet: From curiosity to compulsive behaviorBy: Michael PittarioThe thesi ... on to millions, mostly men, who spend countless hours viewing, downloading, and exchanging explicit sexual images and movies, including child pornography. Thus this has become a psychiatric behavior w ... ng child pornography. Thus this has become a psychiatric behavior which is getting hard to control. Sexual pornography has crossed all boundaries, from ethics, religions, to races and background exper ...

(12 pages) 92 0 0.0 Mar/2010

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies > Computer and Electronics Companies

Pornography. an Essay About How Pornography Has Become Part of our Everyday Lives and How it Will Remain that Way Because We Have Decided to Accept it.

is pornography? Porn, no matter how you phrase it is basically watching other people take action in sexual pleasures to satisfy our sexual urges. To me it's our virtual partner when our "real" partner ... round. What I mean by that is, when your girlfriend/boyfriend is not there or unable to satisfy you sexually, most people will turn to pornography to do so. Some people find porn to be repulsive, othe ...

(7 pages) 30 0 0.0 May/2010

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology