Essays Tagged: "Sanskrit"

Title: Was the Moon Landing A Hoax? This report has information on the Moon Landings and if it was a hoax. Many research proofs support it.

et foot on the moon for many reasons, some being the radiation problems between earth and the moon, Sanskrit Vedic Scriptures' texts, and the proof of a staged landing.First of all, how can man carry ... he Van Allen belts not leave a mark on any of the astronauts on the ship (Lindsay 17)?Secondly, the Sanskrit Vedic Scriptures suggest religious-based evidence that man is not intended to place foot on ...

(4 pages) 154 3 3.1 Apr/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Astronomy

History of Yoga.

we think. The word Yoga means "oneness", which comes from the ancient Indian language called Sanskrit. When it was first founded, Yoga was the practice of meditation which is to sit and be stil ...

(3 pages) 76 0 5.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Hindu Mandir and how they assist belief.

the same love and devotion to god. The grounds are also meant to please the worshipper; one of the sanskrit synonyms for the Mandir is Prãsãda, which means pleases both god and men.The ...

(5 pages) 55 0 3.7 May/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith > Hinduism

Essay on hinduism and buddhism.

important of all is the Vedas. The oldest is the Rig-Veda, which was made in an ancient form of the Sanskrit language in northeast India. It consists of 1028 hymns to many of the gods.

(2 pages) 79 0 0.0 Oct/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith > Hinduism

The importance of Dharma and Karma in Hindu Literature.

ituation. In Hinduism, the sacred `song of God' was composed about 200 BC and incorporated into the Sanskrit epic, Mahabharata. It contains a discussion between Krishna and the Indian hero Arjuna on h ...

(7 pages) 177 0 4.2 Oct/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > World Literature

History of english language.

he Celtic languages, Greek, the Germanic languages, the Indo-Iranian languages, including Hindi and Sanskrit Latin, and the modern Romance languages. Out of all of those languages none have evolved gr ...

(6 pages) 223 0 3.8 Nov/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Language Studies

Indian vanity.

but for centuries it's been seen on foreheads of Hindu men and women. The name bindi comes from the Sanskrit word bindu, which means drop. The bindi worn by the women was made of red lead. The means w ...

(2 pages) 43 0 3.8 Dec/2003

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Indo-romanian bilateral relations

tural cooperation, Romania has an academic tradition of pursuing Indian studies. In 1876, the first Sanskrit language and literature course was offered at the Bucharest University. On November 22, 200 ... rit language wing was opened in Oradea University in the North Western Romania. This revival of the Sanskrit language course in Romania took place after a gap of more than 100 years.29. In 1888, Const ...

(5 pages) 35 0 4.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Dreamer Essay. The similarities between MLK and Chaym Smith in the Novel Dreamer by Charles Johnson.

shares his intellectual voracity, widely read in both Eastern and Western philosophy, proficient in Sanskrit and martial arts, and a talented painter. But where King is deeply spiritual, Smith is a cy ...

(3 pages) 26 0 4.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

The Roman god Mars

ars were Maurs, Marmar, and Marvor, which were eventually contracted to Mars.The name came from the Sanskrit mar, and the Verdic martus. Some of his surnames included Gradivas ("he who precedes"), Pat ...

(2 pages) 19 0 3.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Mythology

The Influence of Chinese Culture on Buddhism

to grow because of Buddhism's incongruities with Chinese thought, as well as translation problems (Sanskrit to Chinese). Because Buddhism first entered through China's trading routes with Central Asi ...

(6 pages) 182 3 4.5 Apr/2004

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

"A Meaning for Humanism" by Joseph Wood Krutch

anger of under valuing the humanities in modern society.As Krutch begins to tell the story from the Sanskrit Panchatantra, he describes the three magicians as being friends from early youth. They come ...

(2 pages) 32 0 2.3 Oct/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Cambodia Report

s period that evolved Cambodia's language, part of the Mon-khmer family, which contains elements of Sanskrit, its ancient religion of Hinduism and Buddhism. Historians have noted, for example, that Ca ...

(1 pages) 30 2 3.0 Mar/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History

Can one language be considered better than another?

n languages and found out that the oldest languages existing from the Indo-Aryan group is Latin and Sanskrit, the latter being the older one. Very few people now speak Latin, but there are still quite ... ne. Very few people now speak Latin, but there are still quite a number of people in India speaking Sanskrit and it's a compulsory subject in Indian schools. These two languages gave birth to all the ...

(3 pages) 48 1 4.0 May/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Language Studies

History of India Essay

ritage preserved by these groups had its origin in the Vedas and allied bodies of literature in the Sanskrit language, which evolved in North India during the second millennium B.C. This tradition alw ... rms of divinity within a polytheistic system. Generally, Brahmans supported the phenomenon known as Sanskritization, or the inclusion of local or regional traditions within Sanskrit literary models an ...

(26 pages) 269 1 4.8 Jul/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History

Analysis of a performance ritual, including bio

icia, Candy and I chose to portray was the burial of a time capsule."The word ritual comes from the Sanskrit rta, which refers to both 'art' and 'order'." (R Heinze pg 1), and it is defined by the Oxf ...

(4 pages) 26 0 5.0 Oct/2006

Subjects: Art Essays

The Serene Routine of Yoga

of yoga, many could find relief from back pain, asthma, and many other hard to treat conditions. In Sanskrit, the word yoga means to join or yoke together which basically means that practicing yoga ca ...

(5 pages) 27 0 5.0 Apr/2007

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Health & Fitness

Buddhism In China

ese emperors also sent missions to India to collect original texts and ordered the translation from Sanskrit to Chinese.(Edkins 6)        Buddhism arrived in China at a fortunate time ...

(4 pages) 76 0 0.0 Dec/2001

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith

International Marketing – Marketing Plan Outline

the population is the high class Hindus, who live in North India and whose language is derived from Sanskrit. Secondly, there are those who live in the southern part of India that is south of the Vind ... e Vindhyas and whose languages - Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam - are entirely different from Sanskrit. Thirdly, primitive tribes living in hills and jungles of India constitute eight percent of ...

(7 pages) 44 0 3.0 Dec/2007

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Marketing report on Amul

means in different Indian languages. And it proves the entire name in the real manner. Likewise in Sanskrit it means "priceless". And this word has come from Amoolya, suggested by a quality control e ...

(9 pages) 3124 0 0.0 Aug/2008

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers