Essays Tagged: "Quilt"

Character Analysis of Maggie Johnson in "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker

en Dee arrives at their home and wants to take all of the important family valuables (hand-stitched quilts, butter churn, etc.) back to her 'home'. It is these valuables that bring out the worst chara ... terpiece for the alcove table" (77) than use the churn top to actually churn.Dee wanted some of the quilts that her mother and Grandma stitched together before she had passed away. Mama had promised M ...

(6 pages) 472 0 4.5 May/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

"Everyday Use" by Alice Walker.

ion that her past, she eagerly values the goods that stemmed from the oppression. A set of handmade quilts is just such an example. Dee expresses an interest in the ancestral quilts that have already ... estral quilts that have already been promised to Maggie. Dee feels that Maggie is not worthy of the quilts because Maggie will surely put them to "everyday use", whereas Dee would display them. It is ...

(3 pages) 219 0 3.0 Aug/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

A Descriptive essay on a girl worshiping God in her dorm room.

closes them, her eyes shine as if the moon is hiding behind each one of her eyelids.She sits upon a quilt. Its patchwork, battered, torn and definitely aged, seems to hold many memories and secrets. p ... in lightly touches her neck as she puts her head down. Her feet get tangled in a bundle of toes and quilt as she slides her legs underneath her body. Not affected by this distraction, she continues to ...

(3 pages) 73 2 4.5 Nov/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Language Studies > Writing

"Grandma's Quilt" is about when my grandmother passed away last year and left me with her quilt and all the memories left with it.

Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."Cherokee Expression"Grandma's Quilt"A quilt to some people is just a bunch of colorful scraps, but to me it represents a very spec ... ng up my grandma was always important, but now that she has gone, her memory lives on forever in my quilt.I was only 12 years old when my grandma gave me a quilt for my birthday. At first, I was very ...

(2 pages) 37 0 0.0 Nov/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

The essay is Alice walker's "everyday use",and about afro american family that have antagonistic views on the worth of the different objects in day to day life rutine.

e never seems to consider that she is taking away her mothers' butter churn for a minor use.The old quilts are the objects that lead the mother to stand against her daughter. The old quilts are descri ... e to her, and the detail with which they are described increased the sense of setting. Dee sees the quilts as having historical and cultural assessment because of the hand stitching and material used. ...

(2 pages) 158 0 3.0 Nov/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

"Everyday Use" written by Alice Walker

n a gentle voice as she says, "She can have them, Mama." And "I can 'member Grandma Dee without the quilts."Maggie makes quite an impression on others though many people already have their mind made u ... y much and will always protect her. Maggie can always count on her mama. Mama knows that Maggie can quilt and she can really appreciate her grandmother's hand made quilts.By the end of the story Maggi ...

(2 pages) 142 0 3.7 Jan/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Everyday Use written by Alice Walker

r grandmother and her aunt, Maggie didn't say anything even inside of her doesn't want to loose the quilt. Maggie was told that the quilt will give it to her from the mother before. Instead of fightin ... es between these two sisters, their pint of view is quite different from each other. Dee treats the quilts as "priceless" thing, they're very valuable to her and she says she will display them in her ...

(2 pages) 73 0 3.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

"Everyday Use" by Alice Walker Comparison of the values held by the three main characters.

In the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker the family quilt is used as a symbol of the values that each family member holds dear. To Maggie the quilt is j ... family member holds dear. To Maggie the quilt is just another thing she has to give up. To Dee the quilt is a symbol of rising above her poor past. To their mother the quilt is symbolic of the roots ... ng off to, and fitting in with, her new friends. When her mother asks her what she will do with the quilts Dee replies, "Hang them." (94) To which her mother comments, "as if that was the only thing y ...

(3 pages) 275 0 4.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Everyday Use

angero tells her mother that Maggie does not understand their heritage because Maggie would use the quilts, a priceless antique, for "everyday use". But when her mother asks Wangero what is her plan w ... a priceless antique, for "everyday use". But when her mother asks Wangero what is her plan with the quilts, she says, "hang them". This implies that the value of the quilts is simply for a display. He ...

(2 pages) 82 0 3.0 Jul/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

The History of Quilting Based on the story of Quilting "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker.

Quilts around the world have been a useful thing to most people and essential to African Americans w ... ans who were brought to America, and were forbidden to practice their traditions. For the most part quilting has been a good thing to do for most people around the world especially African people; it ... rld especially African people; it was a symbol of their culture and heritage. They had many uses in quilts. On one hand, they quilted because they felt it was a tradition and heritage and it reminded ...

(9 pages) 56 0 4.7 Oct/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > African Studies - History

"Everyday Use" by Alice Walker- symbolism

eader was forced to look in themselves for their beliefs in order to side with one or the other.The quilt represented in a major way the separation of opinions the family had about what the correct ev ... n a major way the separation of opinions the family had about what the correct everyday use for the quilt was. For the mother, the blanket symbolized the action of soothing and comforting a "sick" chi ...

(2 pages) 74 0 0.0 May/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Everyday Use

ng delighted her. After, dinner Dee went to the trunk at the foot of mama's bed. She pulled put two quilts and asked if she could have them. Maggie slammed the kitchen door, as if she objected to the ... med the kitchen door, as if she objected to the idea. Mama gave in and Dee was walking out with the quilts, but she changed her mind when she saw the look on Maggie's face. She did something she never ...

(3 pages) 40 0 0.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Compare "Everyday Use" And The "Prodigal Son"

both stories. In Everyday Use, the climax of the story is when the grandmother and Dee are making a quilt for Maggie. Dee (Wangaroo) is jealous of Maggie because the quilt is being made for Maggie. Th ... quilt is composed of the grandmother's old dresses. Dee forgets that her grandmother offered her a quilt when she was going away for college, but at the time she told her grandmother they were "old-f ...

(2 pages) 21 0 5.0 Jul/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Everyday Use Character Development

uld have slapped her. I'm sure Mama wanted to. Dee takes a confusing twist later when she wants the quilts from her grandmother. It's odd though, because Dee wouldn't take the quilts when she went to ... shioned. She just had to have them now though. She wanted to hang them on the wall to look at. They quilts were reserved for Maggie, but she let her sister have them. Maggie is shown to be cute at one ...

(2 pages) 29 0 0.0 Oct/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Everyday Use

Trying to make a decision on whom to give the family quilt to, the mother has to take in consideration who deserved them the most, and who is going to pu ... as the popular one in the crowd that seems to want all of the attention. If Dee were to receive the Quilts, she would of just put them on the wall and forgotten about them. Dee really never wanted the ... to be in an unstable state. If she was ok she would have no problem figuring out who should get the quilt. With two daughters that are very different people the mother neglect to realize at first that ...

(2 pages) 32 0 4.6 Oct/2001

Subjects: Art Essays > Artists

Everyday USe

cause it was whittled from family. She said it would look nice on her table. Next she asked for the quilts her grandmother made from her own clothes. Mama originally denied saying that she was saving ... ama originally denied saying that she was saving them for Maggie, because she learned how to create quilts and she would use them further in her life. Wangero on the other hand replied saying that it ...

(4 pages) 46 0 0.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Heritage Daily

Maggie ends up with the material representation of heritage that Dee most aggressively sought; two quilts crafted by their grandmother. The conflict first arises between Dee and Mama, and then is res ... by Mama's reaction to Maggie's understanding of the beauty in the creation process rather than the quilt itself. Rummaging through her mother's belongings, Dee discovers the quilts her Grandma Dee ha ...

(4 pages) 16 0 0.0 Aug/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Everyday Use

daughter comes home from school to visit Mama and her younger sister. She asks to have a couple of quilts that were made by her ancestors but Mama won't give them to her because they were for the you ... Dee does not. Mama "can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man". Maggie actually knows how to quilt, and also knows all the family history. To them culture is not a dead superficial object; it i ...

(4 pages) 15 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Everyday Use

w house. I asked if I could have the churn top and the dasher, but when I asked if I could have the quilt, Mama told me to take one of the newer ones. She didn’t understand that I wanted it as a ... f remembrance, not as something I would use. Then Mama told me she had already promised to give the quilts to Maggie, for when she marries John Thomas. This upset me very much, because I knew Maggie w ...

(2 pages) 1059 0 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Two Sisters in "Everyday Use"

is also very intimidated by Dee as is shown when Maggie is unable to confront Dee about the family quilts. Because she is "not used to winning," Maggie gives in and says that Dee may have the quilts, ... n and says that Dee may have the quilts, even though they were promised to her . After she wins the quilts, Dee sets her sights on the butter churn as well. Dee does not seem to care that her family i ...

(3 pages) 0 0 0.0 Feb/2014

Subjects: Literature Research Papers