Essays Tagged: "Parapsychology"

Apparently Paranormal Phenomena: Hoaxes and Delusion

own hypothesis: that there exist phenomena that stray from the laws of ordinary science.Critics of parapsychology and other paranormal studies can point out the bias that comes with a field of scient ... the Paranormal. Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin,2004.Kurtz, Paul, ed. A Skeptic's Handbook of Parapsychology. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books,1985.Randi, James. Flim-Flam Psychics, Esp, Unicorns, ...

(8 pages) 32 1 3.3 Nov/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Alternative

Kinetic Hauntings

(3 pages) 1054 0 0.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

The use of psychics in police

is defined as a person that has any extra sensory perception known as ESP. This power also known as parapsychology by scientists, is characterized as any experience in which an individual is able to s ... are not the only methods in which psychics are used by police. Robert Brier the author of the book Parapsychology Today relates one of these cases "Pat Huff, who operates the Parapsychology Center of ...

(14 pages) 19 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology


sychoanalysis bears witness to the fact that psychical experiences are indeed central to our lives. Parapsychology is the branch of psychology concerned with study of extrasensory perception and psych ... ption and psychical experiences. Whereas psychology and psychoanalysis deal with the corporeal man, parapsychology deals with the spiritual man. This spiritual branch of psychology was known to the Gr ...

(4 pages) 1 0 0.0 Oct/2014

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology > Psychological Theories & Authors