Essays Tagged: "nuts and bolts"

Chemical Processes - Iron Ore, Pig Iron, Wrought Iron and Steels

scale and large scale situations. This is due to the effectiveness of modern day furnaces. Bridges, nuts and bolts, girders and tools are all examples of items that were previously made of iron that a ...

(10 pages) 16 0 3.7 Nov/2007

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

VOIP – The Nuts and Bolts

VOIP - The Nuts and Bolts Page � PAGE �1� of � NUMPAGES �16� VOIP - T ... #65533; of � NUMPAGES �16� VOIP - The Nuts and BoltsJanuary 22, 2007VOIP - The Nuts and VoltsVoice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is a relatively new technology in the telecommunic ...

(14 pages) 120 0 5.0 Dec/2007

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science

Microsoft's .NET

BY NOW YOU'VE read and heard plenty about .NET, Microsoft's new enterprise application strategy. A nuts-and-bolts rundown of .NET's features may leave you asking, "Does this have anything to do with ...

(2 pages) 21 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science

A World Without Friction

s would untie themselves, zippers would always unzip (unless they were upside-down), nails, screws, nuts and bolts would work themselves loose, and driving as we know it would be impossible. Objects w ...

(3 pages) 11269 0 4.5 Nov/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Physics

Marketing Tactics

ctics has four elements which are product, price, promotion, and place. These four elements are the nuts and bolts of building a successful strategy which will tell prospective customers about the org ...

(3 pages) 16 0 0.0 Jan/2011

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers