Essays Tagged: "Niels Bohr"

Werner Heisenberg

Heisenberg had the opportunity to work with many of the top physicists in the world including Niels Bohr and Max Born. Like many of the top physicists of the time Heisenberg received his doctora ...

(6 pages) 89 0 4.5 Jan/1997

Subjects: Science Essays > Physics

Manhattan Project

an med at udforske de nye ukendte kræfter, men det er ligesom her man generelt ser slutningen.Niels BohrUnder hele udviklingen af atombomben havde Niels Bohr opfattelsen af at dette Manhattan Pr ... ing;ben kun-ne tryne lande uden disse muligheder til overgivelse, det var jo ikke hensigten set med Niels Bohrs øjne.Vi så også at det var lige ved at gå galt i 60'erne hvor, ...

(9 pages) 45 0 5.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

The Life of Max Planck.

igh that might be."No one accepted this theory or believed Max Planck's words at first. The work of Niels Bohr proved disbelievers wrong. In 1913, Bohr used the formula to calculate the positions of s ...

(3 pages) 62 0 3.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Mathematics

Local scientists and their history.

ook little notice of the finding at first. But others felt the implications were immediately clear. Niels Bohr brought news of Meitner's discovery to the United States in 1939. Several scientists, rea ... of Jewish descent -- had to flee the country when Germany annexed Austria in 1938. With the help of Niels Bohr , she got a position in Stockholm. From there, Meitner and her nephew Otto Frisch proved ...

(4 pages) 31 0 3.0 May/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

Copenhagen - Heisenberg's dilemma: Friendship vs Patriotism.

each other and understand each other the way we did before." They have clearly missed each other... Niels Bohr was the father of atomic physics, the most famous of all atomic physicists. Modern physic ... so says that Heisenberg did not come to Copenhagen because of the moral dilemma. Regardless of what Niels may say, he will go back to Germany and continue to do precisely what he was doing before for ...

(7 pages) 42 0 4.0 May/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

The Woman Behind Fision: An Abridged Biography of Lise Meitner

buzzing just as the Nazi's took power. However, being a Jew, Lise had to eventually leave Germany. Niels Bohr helped her escape and arranged an appointment for her at the physics institute in Stockho ... rather than absorbing the neutrons, the uranium might actually split into several parts. Then came Niels Bohr with his liquid-drop model of the nucleus. He envisioned forces akin to surface tension h ...

(4 pages) 52 0 4.5 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Biographies

Investigating Niels Bohr: The Atomic Bomb

I. Dr. Niels Bohr was a very important man and scientist for many reasons. I will cite several here, but ma ... mbs.Prof Bohr was a peaceful man and after the war chaired commissions on nuclear control.II. Bohr, Niels (1885 - 1962)"One of the foremost scientists of the 20th century, Bohr was the first to apply ...

(4 pages) 26 0 5.0 Mar/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Beer - Lambert's Law and Spectroscopy

It was in 1913 that Neils Bohr went public with his three postulates. The most important one to us right now is his third post ... ne to us right now is his third postulate. To understand that we have to know his other postulates. Bohr stated that the electron revolves in circular orbits around the nucleus which are restricted by ... or electromagnetic radiation in the form of light, infrared radiation (heat) or ultra-violet light.Bohr’s postulates led to spectroscopy which the use of the absorption, emission, or scattering ...

(3 pages) 16 0 1.5 May/2007

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

The Role Of A Confidant (compares Margrethe In Copenhagen To Horatio In Hamlet)

enhagen by Michael Frayn, the character Margrethe Bohr acted as a confidant to not only her husband Niels Bohr, but to Werner Heisenberg as well. Although Margrethe and Horatio both acted as confidant ...

(2 pages) 3132 0 0.0 May/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare > Hamlet

Niels Bohr

Niels Bohr and Atomic Physics Many looked upon Niels Bohr as inspiration for atomic physics. Not onl ... xplain the process of nuclear fusion. (Abbott, 1984) Because of his contribution to atomic physics, Niels Bohr is unquestionably one of the most influential people of the twentieth century.Niels Bohr ... the twentieth century.Niels Bohr was born in Copenhagen, Denmark on October 7, 1885. (Abbott, 1984) Niels' father was a professor of physiology at the University of Copenhagen, and this gave Niels a s ...

(5 pages) 2959 0 0.0 Jan/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Physics

Quantum Computing

d particles can cooperate in an almost psychic fashion, is bound to be both thrilling and bemusing. Niels Bohr, one of the founders of the theory, once remarked that anybody who is not shocked by quan ...

(8 pages) 20 0 4.3 Feb/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Physics

The Role of Edward Teller in the Development of Physics

gress being made in physics at that time made famous by notable personages such as Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr and Heisenberg. He has been an advocate of Quantum Mechanics where most the many problems ...

(6 pages) 12 0 5.0 Jun/2009

Subjects: Science Essays > Physics

Western Scientific Paradigm

(4 pages) 16 0 0.0 Jul/2009

Subjects: Science Essays > Technology

Essay 2

st AsiaProf. Craig BenjaminOctober 6, 2014The Parallel between Eastern philosophy and Modern ScienceNiels Bohr is the Nobel-prize winning physicist that developed the Bohr model of the atom, which pro ... ron or light can behave as either a wave or a stream of particles depending on the experiment. When Niels Bohr was knighted in 1947 he designed his own coat of arms which consisted of the symbol of yi ...

(3 pages) 3 0 0.0 Nov/2014

Subjects: Humanities Essays