Essays Tagged: "National Insurance"

The impact of ICT on society.

burglars even before entering the house, by means of a visible siren.*Crime Detection - The Police National Computer (known as the PNC) is used to hold the details of all crimes committed and by whom ... ed and by whom. It also stores the records of all criminals. These details are also used within the National Criminal Intelligence System, which is used to piece together and analyze information about ...

(5 pages) 13036 0 3.6 Apr/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Communication Studies

Q- what were the reasons for the establishment of the UAB?

rate of 10.6% of the workforce (crafts: 1991,p.78). Those few not covered by the 1911 contributory National Insurance Act could claim benefit up to sixmonths until their payments had been exhausted. ... ption left for those whohad consumed their entitlement or who had not previously contributed to the National Insurancescheme (George: 1973, p.20).The poor law was ill-favoured as it deliberately caste ...

(1 pages) 24 0 3.0 Dec/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Critically discuss the view that 'Universal Welfare provision can only ever be wasteful and lead to welfare dependency'. Give examples to illustrate your points.

arly 20th century, government tried to move away from the poor laws, by introducing such schemes as national insurance, means tests and health care provisions. It was not really until the Liberal Gove ... ch set up public assistance committees ( It was only really in 1948 when the National Assistance Act came into being under the guidance of William Beveridge that the 'Welfare St ...

(8 pages) 169 1 2.5 Jan/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Writing user documentation ict gcse

lect to save the chart as a new sheet then click finish.9.Print it off by pressing the print button.National Insurance and Income Tax1.It is necessary to know what the National Insurance and Income Ta ... to the person's details as theses will need to be deducted at the end to get the final total pay.2.National Insurance is 5% of the pay and Income Tax 25%.3.Add two new columns to table titled "Nation ...

(3 pages) 54 2 5.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science > Programming Languages

What are the main reasons why women are more likely to be in poverty than men since 1945

ciple of continuous remunerated employment, labour market inequalities result in women paying lower National Insurance contributions than the threshold leading to penalisation or dis-entitlement to SS ...

(2 pages) 40 0 3.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Critically evaluate the environmental content of the Chancellor's recent budget

informs the whole of government, from housing and energy policy through to global warming and international agreements." (Labour 1997)This was certainly strong talk and many environmental non governm ... , internalizing the externalities. It is also argued that the contemporary tax systems present internationally place most of the tax burden on employment, capital and enterprise and a comparatively sm ...

(10 pages) 71 0 3.9 Apr/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Can winning the lottery promote suicidal tendencies?

In the UK, the National Lottery can result in an individual winning millions of pounds. But the question is whether ... individual's life that leads to suicide. Therefore sudden increases in wealth, such as winning the National Lottery, can lead to "social declassification". For instance, a National Lottery winner wou ... pirations. Without these, a person may have nothing important or worthwhile to live for.Winning the National Lottery can create a sense of isolationism as the winner can be separated from friends and ...

(7 pages) 43 1 4.3 Feb/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Case study of national insurance company and full analysis of the problems faced by the company

tive SummaryThe main purpose of this report is to analyse the condition and working ienvironment of National Insurance and Investment (NII) a company whose main business in selling and servicing insur ... f its customers on their behalf. So the purpose of this report is to understand the variousssues in National Investment & insurance company (NII), which is facing various problems like higher empl ...

(10 pages) 70 0 0.0 Jan/2008

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

Explain what is meant by the t

al disposable income affect equilibrium price and output? Disposable income is income minus tax and National Insurance contributions. Your real disposable income is the purchasing power of your dispos ...

(5 pages) 38 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics

People And Work

pension fund as such, and the money that is paid to today's pensioners comes from today's taxes and national insurance contributions. There has been much criticism of the state pension scheme and the ...

(8 pages) 32 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

Identify, and evaluate the different types of property income taxes?

s over time. Taxes are raised by the Government to pay services and welfare such as: Education, the National Health Service, National Defence and infrastructure development and maintenance. The UK Gov ... s. The other department deals with Income tax, Corporation tax, Capital Gains tax, Inheritance tax, National Insurance contributions and many other taxes including Stamp Duty.This assignment will cons ...

(13 pages) 43 0 3.7 Feb/2008

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Accounting

Community Report of Kamirekrom

versity for development studies(U.D.S) This component draws it's justification from the provisional national defense council (P.N.D.C) law 279(1992) section 3 which mandates the university to blend th ... vement of human settlements and the environment in the district. 7. In cooperation with appropriate national and local security agencies, the district assembly ensures the maintenance of security and ...

(40 pages) 1 0 0.0 Nov/2014

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community