Essays Tagged: "Lucia"

St. Lucia (infrastructure)

Saint Lucia, an independent, island state, also one of the Windward Islands, West Indies, and Southeastern ... rge source of geothermal energy. The mountains contain many streams and many fertile valleys. Saint Lucia has a tropical climate, with an average annual temperature of 79° F. The average annual ra ... the coast to more than 100 inches in the mountains. The rainy season lasts from May to August. St. Lucia's culture is largely a matter of gaining some sense of the various peoples who have contribute ...

(12 pages) 54 1 4.0 Jul/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Manzoni "l'addio ai monti"

ve; un limpido esempio di queste opere così particolari.Si tratta del commovente monologo di Lucia nel drammatico momento in cui, assieme alla madre Agnese ed allo sposo promesso Renzo, attrave ... dal punto di vista comunicativo e rievochi nel lettore forti emozioni.Il primo sguardo della povera Lucia, va ai monti, ai torrenti e alle ville; cioè all’ambiente nel quale è cresc ...

(3 pages) 5145 0 0.0 Oct/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

The Execution- Short Story

Lucia Valorous, Inquisitor of the Adeptus Hereticus, was as brilliant as she was dedicated. And toni ... He would be riven of his powers by the psi-suppressor that had cost two thirds of the covert wealth Lucia had amassed over half a century, through investments and front corporations and outright extor ... a wisp of cloud.Vandius walked confidently around the corner, some gauze-wrapped bimbo on his arm. Lucia had just enough time to savor the shock on her face (Vandius, as always, was masked) before sh ...

(5 pages) 2304 0 0.0 Aug/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Poems & Short Stories