Essays Tagged: "Lorca"

Federico Garcia Lorca Research paper on Lorca written in Spanish, 10 pages + bibliography

Federico García LorcaFederico García Lorca nació el cinco de junio de 1898 en fuente Vaqueros, cerca d ... ueros, cerca de la ciudad de Granada. Hijo de un liberal, dueño de tierra, la creatividad de Lorca tomo rumbo temprano. Cuando niño, Lorca hablaba con objetos no reales, dándole a ... verdaderas que le podrían responder en cualquier momento. También cuando niño, Lorca estudió música, una actividad la cual enriqueció su sentido natural de la ...

(12 pages) 113 0 3.3 Sep/2002

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama

The Character of Bernarda Alba in Lorca's "The House of Bernarda Alba"

that enables the illustration of the oppression of women created by equivocal Spanish traditions in Lorca's dramatic play, House of Bernarda Alba. The character of Bernarda becomes acquainted with rea ... haracter of Bernarda becomes acquainted with readers through the method of indirect presentation as Lorca gives the reader no analysis or exposition regarding her. Essentially, Bernarda's eccentric tr ...

(3 pages) 22 1 5.0 Jun/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

What effects would you wish to create for your audience in act 2, scene 2 of 'Yerma'? Explain how you would stage the scene to achieve your aims.

he play as a whole.The naturalistic setting of the play is important, written and set in the 1930s, Lorca focuses on the ordinary people and ordinary situations. His feelings of social isolation are p ... amily's business in the case of Yerma and Juan, shepherding. Yerma is a social out cast, similar to Lorca himself; Lorca based the characters in his play upon himself to some degree, telling the accou ...

(7 pages) 2415 0 0.0 Sep/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Beauty Of Women

USE OF LANGUAGE IN BLOOD WEDDING.Lorca's use of language in Blood Wedding is very poetic. He uses lots of metaphors and moves from Pr ... do not want To share your bed or food, But every minute of the day I long to be with you," I think Lorca does this because it adds to the romantic side of the play and emphasises how they feel about ... can't help following Leonardo just like the wind is too overpowering for the straw. I like the way Lorca uses metaphors in this play. They emphasise points or peoples feelings and they add to Lorca's ...

(2 pages) 1182 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry