Essays Tagged: "Lloyd George"

Lloyd George's government was destroyed more by his style than by the content of his policies.

Lloyd George's government was destroyed more by his style than by the content of his policiesFrom 19 ... ervatives entered this coalition as they had been out of power since 1902 and wanted the popularity Lloyd George would bring, particularly with the new electorate, which had tripled. Lloyd George was ... bour. During the war, he had proved to be a capable, flexible realist. There was strong support for Lloyd George in the highest ranks of the Conservative party, as they had worked with him during the ...

(9 pages) 41 0 2.2 May/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Was the Treaty of Versailles Fair? - by Laura Aberle

ng but revenge on Germany, and that was definitely achieved, if not to the extent he had hoped for. Lloyd-George was probably the most content out of the three leaders, because he had wanted a comprom ... au, he didn't get a lot of what he wanted, but the most important ideas were included in the treaty.Lloyd-George was probably the most content out of the three leaders, because he had wanted a comprom ...

(4 pages) 62 2 5.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Why did Lloyd George fall from power in 1922?

Why did Lloyd George fall from power in 1922?Lloyd George won overwhelmingly in 1918 as "the man who won the ... he fell from power in 1922 never to return to the premiership? A multitude of problems struck both Lloyd George and his government some were his own faults others were political circumstances beyond ... cal circumstances beyond his control. These problems progressively mounted up so high they obscured Lloyd George's successes and toppled him from power.Lloyd George's post as primeminister was in a wa ...

(4 pages) 31 0 4.3 Feb/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

March 2nd 2004 "The weakness of peace treaties is that they tend to address the past war rather than the future peace." With reference to WWI, show how far you concur with this assertion?

e four "war victors" were all present at this treaty, including W. Wilson, president of the USA, D. Lloyd George, PM of Britain, Clemenceau, PM of France and Orlando, PM of Italy. Many people argue th ... to such degree that it would be impossible for them to ever act aggressively towards France again. Lloyd George's position was somewhere in between the two mentioned. He would like to see Germany pun ...

(5 pages) 28 0 4.5 Mar/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Different aims of the three leaders: Clemenceau, Lloyd-George and Wilson and purpose and intent of the League of Nations when it was established in 1921.

(i) Explain the different aims of the three leaders, Clemenceau, Lloyd-George and Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference after WW1.The 18th of January 1919, is a stand ... e other nations. These major participants consisted of Clemenceau from France, Woodrow from USA and Lloyd-George from Britain, because of the power they possessed the name "The Big Three" was given to ... elieved that only through justice could peace be restored, and an established society rebuilt.David Lloyd-George became the British Prime Minister in 1916 and already had an established background. Hi ...

(9 pages) 63 1 5.0 Jun/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Why did "The Big Three" disagree each other so strongly during the treaty of Versailles?

s of each country as to decide how to punish the Germans. The leaders who attended the meeting were Lloyd George, prime minister of England, Georges Clemenceau, prime minister of France, and Woodrow W ... ermany should be blamed for everything of what happened in WWI.Secondly, the British Prime Minister Lloyd George had different opinions to Clemenceau's points. The main reason was because England got ...

(2 pages) 30 1 3.4 Oct/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > International Organizations & Conflicts

Explanation for why the Big 3 at Versailles were in such disagreement.

The "Big 3", Georges Clemenceau, Woodrow Wilson and Lloyd George, disagreed so strongly on the Treaty of Versailles because it was no more than a compro ... suffer a great deal more than the treaty allowed, while Wilson considered the treaty far too harsh. Lloyd George on the other hand took what seemed to be more of a middle ground.Clemenceau had persona ... ither Britain, France nor Belgium would allow self determination with the colonies in their empires.Lloyd George was also dissatisfied and thought the treaty to be too harsh, despite the fact that the ...

(2 pages) 15 0 1.7 Oct/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > The Cold War

Essay On Lloyd George's Life

David Lloyd George, was born in Manchester on 17th January, 1863. David's father, a schoolmaster, died a y ... ied a year after he was born and his mother took her two children to live with her brother, Richard Lloyd, a shoemaker in Llanystumdwy, Caernarvonshire.Lloyd George joined the local Liberal Party and ... of the annual produce of ones land or of ones annual income paid to support the church or clergy) . Lloyd George was also a strong supporter of land reform. As a young man he had read books on the nee ...

(5 pages) 21 1 4.6 Apr/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

The Treaty of Versailles

sit at the conference table. The "Big Four" - President Wilson of the United States, Prime Minister Lloyd George of Great Britain, Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau of France and Prime Minister Vittor ...

(7 pages) 66 0 5.0 Apr/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > International Organizations & Conflicts

The impact of the First World War on Britain and Germany

element of the Home Front during World War I occurred in the British Shell Crisis during 1915 when Lloyd George was appointed, recognition that the whole economy would have to be geared into war if t ... dilemmas increased this shook the country politically and under the new Minister of Munitions David Lloyd George began to revive the country's war effort and later made a huge impact on the political ...

(9 pages) 33 0 5.0 May/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Macroeconomy revision notes

element of the Home Front during World War I occurred in the British Shell Crisis during 1915 when Lloyd George was appointed, recognition that the whole economy would have to be geared into war if t ... dilemmas increased this shook the country politically and under the new Minister of Munitions David Lloyd George began to revive the country's war effort and later made a huge impact on the political ...

(10 pages) 49 1 5.0 May/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics

The Treaty of Versailles - Fair or Unfair?

n decided. So during the New Year, representatives from France, Great Britain, and USA (Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Wilson), got together and their main aim was to produce a treaty (called the Treaty ... y a crippled Germany would be no threat to France in the future.Great Britain wanted a fair treaty. Lloyd George wanted Germany to be punished but not harshly. Of course, he wanted certain terms impos ...

(2 pages) 16 0 5.0 Jan/2007

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > International Organizations & Conflicts

Post War Britian

Question 6 The post-war society in Britain was certainly far from the "land fit for heros" that Lloyd George promised in his 1915 election speech. The world that servicemen had to face was one of ... he people did not attempt to understand, or make welcome the soldiers. The land fit for heroes that Lloyd George boasted of was confused, hostile and uncaring.

(3 pages) 1351 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

Treaty Of Versailles

er. Italy was also a part of the 4 main powers but did not have as much power. Furthermore, Wilson, Lloyd George, and Clemenceau each had goals for the peace conference.Wilson was enthusiastic about c ... t as directly involved in this treaty as the other countries were besides citing possible solutions.Lloyd George, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, believed that Germany should not be treated too h ...

(3 pages) 33 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Fall of Lloyd George

Lloyd George seemed unshakeable as the Prime Minister in 1918. In the 1918 election his Coalition go ... dly endorsed by the electorate, with a huge majority. To the Conservatives he seemed indispensable. Lloyd George's personal popularity and support at the time was summed up by Bonar Law, who said "Llo ... was to spend less than four years in that position before the Conservatives pushed him from power. Lloyd George had become the Prime Minister in 1916 because of the national wartime emergency, and fo ...

(8 pages) 6 0 0.0 Oct/2014

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History