Essays Tagged: "Japanese Government"

Famous People of World War II, Axis Forces, Isoroku Yamamoto, Tojo Hideki, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini

leaders. These are their stories.During World War II, there were three men who were controlling the Japanese government, none of which liked each other. The first, Emperor Hirohito, born in 1901, was ... militaristic party that controlled the government from 1926 to 1945, and the one who commanded the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1937. He controlled all government and military campaigns until 19 ...

(9 pages) 88 0 3.5 Apr/1997

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

To what extent were the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary to end World War II? Includes Bibliography and Footnotes (if you care to message me for them)

thodox theory relies heavily on the argument that Japan had no intention to surrender, and that the Japanese government by silently ignoring the Potsdam declaration expressed a clear refusal of the Al ... n. The bomb was conveniently promoted as a legitimate weapon of war and should be used to bring the Japanese to an quick and unconditional surrender2.The revisionist relies on the theory that Japan wa ...

(6 pages) 257 6 4.4 Jun/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

The atomic bomb.

ter in Nagasaki it killed roughly 40,000 . The immediate effects of these bombings were simple. The Japanese government surrendered, unconditionally, to the United States. The rest of the world rejoic ... ublished. Up until then all accounts of the Hiroshima bombing writings about it took the slant that Japanese had Òdeserved what we had given themÓ, and that we were good people for doing ...

(18 pages) 189 1 3.7 Jul/2003

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Military & International Conflicts & Security

Meiji Restoration: why did Japan decide to 'modernise' their country, and how effective was this program in the fifty year period from 1854 to 1904?

ign pressure and not have to accept unwanted trade and regulations as China had been forced to. The Japanese government acknowledged European strength, especially Britain, in doing so foreign experts ... very successful in the fifty-year period from 1854 to 1904 but not all changes were positive to the Japanese peasants.Prior to 1868 domestic problems had been experienced because agriculture had becom ...

(6 pages) 80 0 3.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers

Description of how the movie "The Last Samurai" portrays the effects of Western Imperialism on Japan

is many victorious battles against the Native Americans was called to Japan for a special task. The Japanese government was looking to make their civilization as western as possible. They adopted West ... t. He was hired to train the soldiers how to use firearms and cannons.In the first battle scene the Japanese army is unprepared even though that had a huge advantage over the samurai as far as technol ...

(2 pages) 65 0 3.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies

Iva Toguri: Guilty of Treason and Ignorant to Consequences

r a mere two thousand dollars. There is much curiosity to this however. First, she did work for the Japanese Government under her own will. Second, although having the opportunity to become a Portugue ... t was after this that Iva Toguri willingly began working for Radio Tokyo which was being run by the Japanese Government as a propaganda machine. Any clear thinking American could assume that if they w ...

(3 pages) 18 0 5.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Japan and the A-Bombs, was it really necessary? A reaction to Paul Fussell's 1981 article, "Thank God for the Atom Bomb."

another plane dropped a second bomb on the city of Nagasaki. These two bombs killed roughly 200,000 Japanese civilians, and, according to Paul Fussell, they ended the war, but did they really? Were th ... roshima and Nagasaki should never have happened. Fussell, of course, fails to mention this, but the Japanese government began seeking peace as early as April 1945, their only stipulation being that th ...

(3 pages) 70 1 4.5 Aug/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Japanese Government

erty rate listed at NA%. However, it is known that there are some homeless people in Japan that the Japanese government tries to lend a helping hand.In Japan, there are many government-sponsored progr ... ith businesses and people on environmental issues.Perhaps the most widely known of the parts of the Japanese cabinet is the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. This ministry was formerly known as ...

(2 pages) 28 0 0.0 Feb/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Intorduce the current and previous business system in Japan

wn in the world for its business system. Some Western businesses have tried to imitate parts of the Japanese business system. As with other countries, the business system of the Japanese model is also ... formal and informal rules. This essay will describe the formal and informal rules which control the Japanese business system, and briefly comment on the interrelationship between the two types of rule ...

(6 pages) 62 0 0.0 Mar/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management


any, although profits suffered, greater earnings weresustained in 1975, 1976 and 1977 than at other Japanese companies. The wideninggaps between Toyota and other Japanese companies opened the eyes of ... .Toyota branched off of the Toyoda automatic loom company, founded by SakichiIn the 1930s, when the Japanese military started fighting in Manchuria, they usedmainly foreign-made trucks. Unfortunately ...

(2 pages) 281 1 5.0 May/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies > Automotive Companies

Japnese art before 1392

3th century ce. HandscrollIn Japan, when an emperor died, large chamber tombs were constructed. The Japanese government has never allowed the major sacred tombs to be excavated. Some of these sites ha ... males of all types, professions, and classes. Haniwa illustrate several enduring characteristics of Japanese aesthetic taste. Unlike Chinese tomb ceramics, which were often beautifully glazed, haniwa ...

(3 pages) 40 0 0.0 Apr/2006

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

Japan and its problems

onger and retire later on in life. This means they make more produce to export which means that the Japanese government have more money to spend on their high quality schools, hospitals and other impo ...

(2 pages) 24 0 4.0 May/2006

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Tokyo War Crimes Trial

terms of the Potsdam Declaration and its exercise of jurisdiction was expressly agreed upon by the Japanese government in the terms of Surrender in September 1945.The IMTFE, also known as the Tokyo W ... ents by far the largest collection of material that exists in any European language on Japan and on Japanese relations with the outside world during the critical period between 1927 and 1945.The chart ...

(17 pages) 21 0 4.0 Nov/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History

Biography on Hideki Tojo (The man behind Japan's war machine in WWII)

n’s most powerful men and through his spheres of influence and involvement within and with the Japanese government, is linked directly or indirectly to the deaths of millions of POWs, civilians, ... r’s eldest son (“Tojo, Hideki” 254). Tojo’s father was a general officer in the Japanese army, where “Spartan life and Spartan conduct were the rule” (Hoyt 9). In school, ...

(9 pages) 9 0 1.0 Jun/2007

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History

Marketing in Japan

sents a huge potential, for American businesses.The options for American firms wishing to enter the Japanese market are as follows: 100 percent ownership Establish a new plant of office (wholl ... h a new plant of office (wholly owned subsidiary). 100 percent buyout of a Japanese firm (takeover).Partial ownership Establish a joint venture (subsidiary) w ...

(2 pages) 25 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Was the atomic bomb nessary

ld have occurred if this would have happened! Also, our forces would not only have to fight off the Japanese military, but they would have to defend themselves against the civilians of Japan as well. ... would have to defend themselves against the civilians of Japan as well. It was also a fact that the Japanese government had been equipping the commoners with any kind of weapon they could get their ha ...

(5 pages) 17 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Eastern Way

y which Japan instilled upon them in 1919. Korea took on a new name called Chosen. The very term of Japanese colonialism was labeled by the Japanese inhabitants Nikkan heigo, meaning "amalgamation of ... g "amalgamation of Japan and Korea". But the amalgamation of Korea is not a proper term because the Japanese construction did not apply to the Korea citizens. According to Robert T. Oliver in his book ...

(7 pages) 10 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History

Eastern Way

y which Japan instilled upon them in 1919. Korea took on a new name called Chosen. The very term of Japanese colonialism was labeled by the Japanese inhabitants Nikkan heigo, meaning "amalgamation of ... g "amalgamation of Japan and Korea". But the amalgamation of Korea is not a proper term because the Japanese construction did not apply to the Korea citizens. According to Robert T. Oliver in his book ...

(7 pages) 1008 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History

Fusosha Essay - Japanese Text Books In Korea

The amicable relations between Japan and Korea began souring this past April with the Japanese government's approval of history textbooks, for middle and high school students, which Kore ... e and high school students, which Koreans believe glossed over Japan's past wrong doings. The eight Japanese history textbooks, was adopted this past April, whitewash its wartime atrocities. It distor ... rced into sexual slavery and other men and women who were conscripted to work for companies and the Japanese military. Written by nationalistic scholars, the textbooks claim that Japan liberated Asia ...

(7 pages) 16 0 4.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History

Article 9. of Japan Constitution

The Article 9. says:"Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of for ... use of force as means of settling international disputes."The aim of this report is to analyze the Japanese nowadays situation and then to decide what should Japanese government, Japanese people do w ...

(6 pages) 16 0 0.0 May/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History