Essays Tagged: "japan japan"


JapanJapan är ett mycket lågsträckt land. Där finns många olika klimat. L ... d. På vintern ligger snön djup och det kan bli -20 grader kallt. På sommaren reser japanerna gärna till Hokkaido för att där är så svalt.På Honshu, Jap ... snöar bara en eller två gånger.Längs Honshus inre delar sträcker sig dem Japanska alperna. Där finns det många höga toppar,bland dem den sovande vulkanen Fuj ...

(3 pages) 111 1 3.7 Jan/1996

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

China: you said "economic miracle"?

Nineties, it has been said that the biggest Asian economic challenger against the US was China, not Japan. Japan had scared the Uncle Sam in the Eighties, but again, the slump it has been stuck into ( ...

(3 pages) 147 2 3.4 Dec/2002

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

The Role of the USSR During World War II

rld War II had started, the USSR already had tense relations with two of its neighbors, Germany and Japan. Japan had taken control of Manchuria in 1931, which caused an uneasy friction at the border b ... border between it and the USSR. What had started out as small conflicts between the Soviet and the Japanese forces, evolved into full border warfare by 1938. While the Soviet Union was going through ...

(13 pages) 91 0 3.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Japanese Cultures wrote this in English 101 ,A to B status

Japan Japan a nearly isolated area, surrounded by thousands of mountains that use to prevent ... a, surrounded by thousands of mountains that use to prevent outside attacks from the outside world. Japanese dictatorship run governmentHeaded by a prime minister and a culture unique to others. The J ... re unique to others. The Japanese people have lived their lives through tradition and culture, from Japanese marriages, to food, to the point of death. Japanese customs still remain with members who c ...

(4 pages) 64 1 4.4 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Japanese Government

Comparative Government Report: Japan Japan is a first world, industrialized nation. They are considered an economic super-power. Ja ... of a problem with poverty that they can afford to give money to neighboring nations who need help. Japan recently gave China the equivalent of $1 Billion to help combat poverty in China. Japan's pove ... lion to help combat poverty in China. Japan's poverty rate is so miniscule, every single source has Japan's poverty rate listed at NA%. However, it is known that there are some homeless people in Japa ...

(2 pages) 28 0 0.0 Feb/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Nuclear Bomb

contain a Nazi atomic project. There were several conventional methods that were suggested to bring Japan to its knees. However, dropping of the bomb seemed to be the best action in President Tremens' ... d States included a naval blockade, an extensive aerial bombardment or an invasion of the island of Japan. Japan posed little or no offensive threat to American forces. Other Option was that American ...

(4 pages) 9 0 0.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: History Term Papers

Marketing in Japan

Marketing in Japan Japan has been an attractive destination for foreign business, and progressive businesses are ... ressive businesses are aware that they need a presence there. Some of the walls that have protected Japan against foreign entry have been crumbling away, thus making Japan more accessible to foreign b ... bling away, thus making Japan more accessible to foreign business. By 1998, only about 7 percent of Japan's GDP was related to imports, one of the few countries with a figure in single digits and the ...

(2 pages) 25 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Grapes Of Wrathe Outline

et Union in the pos-Second-World-War era, rather than a strictly military measure designed to force Japan's unconditional surrender. While this statement is correct, it is also flawed in that the Amer ... le this statement is correct, it is also flawed in that the American decision to drop the bomb over Japan was arguably crucial to the Japanese's surrender of the war. Without the dropping of th ...

(3 pages) 1644 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Hitler, World War II, and the Bomb

trality and noninvolvement when their own democracy was at stake.While the war continued in Europe, Japan had its eyes on French and Dutch possessions in the East Indies. Japan set out to incorporate ... in the East Indies. Japan set out to incorporate these territories, rich in natural resources. When Japan invaded China, the U.S. naturally responded by limiting needed resources to them such as oil, ...

(3 pages) 16 0 3.0 Mar/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

North Korea Problem

the Pentagon, North Korea has had shorter-range missiles for years that could reach South Korea and Japan, and it successfully tested several of those models, underscoring the threat it poses to its n ... the threat it poses to its neighbors and the threat it poses as an arms merchant.Thesis statement: Japan and the United States must take initiative over this threat and force an economic sanction upo ...

(3 pages) 18 1 3.0 Jun/2009

Subjects: History Term Papers

Comparison of the legislative System of the Government of Australia and the Government of Japan

Comparison of the Legislative System of Australia and Japan.Japan's Legislature is called the National Diet of Japan. Similar to the Australian system of ... al Diet of Japan. Similar to the Australian system of parliament, it is a bicameral legislature. In Japan, it is composed of the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors (Also known as Ho ... Australian system, however, the upper house in the Australian Parliament is known as the Senate.In Japan, the National Diet is considered as "the highest organ of state power" and "the sole law-makin ...

(3 pages) 7 0 0.0 Jun/2010

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Government

Final Global Business Plan Paper

ading, Inc.��Final Global Business PlanResearchers for JKL Trading, LLC have analyzed Japan as a possible country to export products in order to support JKL's goal of spreading the compa ... JKL's goal of spreading the company overseas as part of its globalization plan. Our team discovered Japan's political environment is stable. Most business disputes settle out of court avoiding legal f ...

(20 pages) 14 0 0.0 Jul/2012

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management