Essays Tagged: "innocent civilians"

The threat of islamic terrorism after Sept 11

s a serious problem for the United States because of the threat to national security, the safety of innocent civilians, and the foundations of democratic societies throughout the world (1997 Global Te ... e to the target area. Even though terrorism kills relatively few people, the random nature by which innocent civilian are killed evokes a deep fear and insecurity upon the population. This form of ter ...

(10 pages) 980 3 3.8 Feb/2002

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Military & International Conflicts & Security

The My Lai Massacure could have been avoided.

heads. Firing, killing for no reason, just a assumption. Calley ordered his men to kill hundreds of innocent civilians before he knew anything about them. He broke the rules of war killing them. He us ... of his powers to make unnecessary killings.In My Lai, Vietnam Calley was guilty in killing the innocent civilians. Calley killed many civilians before they did anything to threat his troops. The ...

(3 pages) 47 1 3.5 May/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

The significance of the Tet Offensive and how it effected the outcome of war in Indochina.

the Tet Offensive contradicted this propaganda.Fifty million watched as the ARVN killed prisoners, innocent civilians, and South Vietnam was bombed. The US government was now unable to portray the wa ...

(2 pages) 61 0 3.0 May/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > International Organizations & Conflicts

Atomic Energy: Good and Bad; explains the pros and cons of atomic energy and whether the good outweighs the bad.

s over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan to end the war. Many buildings were desotryed and thousands of innocent civilians were killed. After that, the world viewed nuclear bombs as dangerous new weapons ...

(2 pages) 77 1 3.8 Sep/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Technology

Research paper on major peace achievements and agreements in northern ireland since the beginning of the "troubles." includes citations and works cited

beyond Northern Ireland's borders onto the British mainland (Anderson 23). Most of the victims were innocent civilians. Despite this legacy of violence and mistrust, remarkable steps been taken recent ... grew apart while the movement quickly began to crumble (McCann 101).It wasn't until another case of innocent children dying in 1993 that another attempt at peace was made. On March 20 an IRA bomb kill ...

(5 pages) 124 0 4.6 Dec/2003

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

1.) For what reason did President Truman decide to use atomic weapons to end the war in the Pacific?

o get the Japanese to surrender. By dropping an atomic bomb the United States killed thousands of innocent civilians. While I disagree with dropping bombs, I feel that by dropping a different type ...

(2 pages) 54 1 4.2 Dec/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

"A Study in Causation of the Mexican War" examines whether or not the Mexican-American War was an exercise of American Imperialism.

or between factions within the same country. It is a conflict often resulting in the death of many innocent civilians, the destruction of private property, and sometimes the unjust treatment of priso ...

(3 pages) 90 0 4.0 Dec/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers

The War to End All Wars and It's Superior

only made it easier for new heights of immorality on the battlefield, as the bodies of millions of innocent civilians demonstrate. World War II was primarily caused through Germany's resentment towar ... s were killed, over 30 million civilians were killed, and perhaps most nauseating of all, 6 million innocent Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. What set this war apart, aside from the horrendous num ...

(5 pages) 59 0 4.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

World War 2 opinion paper saying that world war two was not the so called nick name "the good war"

was a bad war mainly because of the atom bomb. My reasoning is that the a-bomb killed thousands of innocent civilians, it lead us into another war with Russia, and, not the fault of the atom bomb, Ja ... was a bad war mainly because of the atom bomb. My reasoning is that the a-bomb killed thousands of innocent civilians, it lead us into another war with Russia, and, not the fault of the atom bomb, Ja ...

(2 pages) 90 0 4.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

War Poetry

War is not a game. It is a destruction tool used to destroy people's lives. Mostly innocent civilians lives. When I think about war it resembles a tidal wave, where ever the battle go ...

(4 pages) 94 2 3.6 May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Was the Bomb Dropped on Japan Justified?

ave been dropped on Japan.There were alternatives to make Japan surrender other than the killing of innocent civilians. The US could have invited Japanese officials to view the testing of the bomb at ... ch nation would build the H-bomb first.Not only did dropping the bomb kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, it also started the fear of nuclear warfare. There were also possible alternatives ...

(3 pages) 92 2 4.8 Jul/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Stopping the use of nuclear weapons. (in letter format to President Bush)

he first Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima killed 70,000 people instantly? Many of those people were innocent. If those nuclear weapons get into the hands of an evil person, major destruction will happ ... e could get hurt from the weapon. If no one in the world has nuclear weapons, nothing can happen to innocent civilians. Please listen to what I have to say about this subject.The first atomic bomb dro ...

(1 pages) 42 1 4.5 Oct/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Grave of the Fireflies -------- My Personal Reactions

ch as Pearl Harbor, We were soldiers, Windtalkers, etc.), this one addresses war's brutal impact on innocent civilians, especially children. With the war on Iraq now undergoing, this point has all the ... war on Iraq now undergoing, this point has all the more relevance. Under the same American bombing, innocent Iraqi children are now suffering just as much as Seita and Setsuko in this movie have suffe ...

(6 pages) 41 1 4.0 Dec/2004

Subjects: Art Essays

The Unjustified War on Iraq

led by oppression, committing atrocious acts such as testing chemical and biological weapons on the innocent civilians of his own country. During his time in power, he blatantly violated nearly all th ... their lack of equipment. The long land battles caused hundreds of casualties, of both soldiers and innocent civilians (Conetta).As the battles wound to a close, a wave of suicide bombings swept acros ...

(8 pages) 389 1 4.6 Feb/2005

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Military & International Conflicts & Security

Abraham lincoln assassination

cks, were symbols of prosperity to the American people. Attacking it directly, taking many lives of innocent civilians simultaneously was unperceivable. In this case the public was the target. They we ...

(3 pages) 42 3 4.0 Mar/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers

The Boston Massacre was Britain's fault

ropewalk workers, the soldiers had a responsibility, and were duty-bound to keep peace, not to kill innocent civilians. The British also had an irresponsible, hot headed motive behind their fighting a ... s all too clear that the soldiers of the 29th regiment would commit such a treachery as firing upon innocent civilians; even though there may have been no or little provocation. Although the soldiers ...

(2 pages) 16 0 0.0 Jun/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

Islam & Terrorism

s a serious problem for the United States because of the threat to national security, the safety of innocent civilians, and the foundations of democratic societies throughout the world. Most of the Is ... e to the target area. Even though terrorism kills relatively few people, the random nature by which innocent civilian are killed evokes a deep fear and insecurity upon the population. This form of ter ...

(10 pages) 161 0 4.6 Jul/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith > Islam

Commentary on 'Cambodia', by James Fenton

uise of killing Viet-Cong they thought were fleeing into Cambodia. These bombing raids cost 750,000 innocent civilians their lives. Cambodia was then ruled by Pol Pot, who killed up to two million civ ...

(5 pages) 18467 0 5.0 Feb/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Bush's speech before the War on Iraq

The first day of the War on Iraq; a day that can be viewed as the beginning of a nightmare for many innocent people across the globe. Depending on an individual's country of citizenship, one might vie ... terrorists within this conflict. The War on Iraq placed strains upon, and caused heartache for the innocent people within the two nations. Through the analysis of George Bush's (the American presiden ...

(4 pages) 70 1 4.7 Feb/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History > North American Presidents


d captain, hatred, vengeance, and fear towards the Vietnamese, which resulted in the deaths of many innocent civilians.        "Charlie Company was a group of foot soldiers in their ...  Â Â Â Â This Book showed me the mentality of the soldiers and the humour that they took in killing innocent people, how they burned down houses, and contaminated the water in the wells.

(9 pages) 10 0 0.0 Mar/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers