Essays Tagged: "human consumption"

Chemistry of water treatment

Humans use water for many purposes, but the natural water sources provide polluted water that is vis ... ny purposes, but the natural water sources provide polluted water that is visually unacceptable for human consumption (Vigneswaran, 1). The physical properties of water, such as odor and the presence ... 6.6, or OCl-, or hypochlorite, at pH levels above 8.6), into chloride ions (that are not harmful to humans (int 4, 1)). Dichloramine (NHCl2) and monochloramine (NH2Cl) can also be removed by activated ...

(8 pages) 72 1 3.7 Mar/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Critical Analysis of PETA Web Site

used, mistreated, or in danger of any cruelty. According to PETA, animals have rights, too, just as humans do. It is my objective to find out if the PETA web site is a helpful site to use for research ... every aspect, from raising animals for food, to how these animals are slaughtered and processed for human consumption, to helping animals suffering and dying in laboratories, on factory farms, in the ...

(5 pages) 107 1 5.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

The Banning of Hormone Injected and Genetically Engineered Foods.

gineering scientists are able to change the DNA in an organism to make it "perfect" for retail, and human consumption. Scientists are able to adjust the DNA to make vegetables bigger, juicier, more ta ... engineered foods should be banned for retail in the United States due to their dangerous effects on human health.Genetically engineered foods have been proven unsafe for human consumption, yet they ar ...

(3 pages) 73 3 4.7 May/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Genetics & Genome Projects

Critical Analysis Of Website - PETA Website

treated, or in danger of any cruelty. PETA maintains the viewpoint that animals have rights just as humans do.The organizations title/name, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), makes it ... very aspect, from raising animals for food, to ways which animals are slaughtered and processed for human consumption, helping animals suffering and dying in laboratories, factory farms, in the fur in ...

(3 pages) 116 1 4.0 Jun/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Deceptions - Biopharming

anies that hold the GE patents and our government seem to more concerned with profits, than that of human life and the effects on the environment. In this day and age, illnesses and other forms of ali ... s to market, little, if any, testing is being done to assure that the drugs themselves are safe for human consumption. The risks of GE unknowns, far out-weight, the benefits to society and the environ ...

(14 pages) 101 0 3.0 May/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Biotechnology

Investigation into the Use of Short-Column Reversed-Phase LC in the Determination of log P Values

singly, the determination of low concentrations of active ingredients in complex mixtures, sold for human consumption, has become more necessary. Regulations have imposed strict limits on the type and ...

(6 pages) 17 0 0.0 Jun/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Should Animals be used for experiments?

tched domestic animals and studied their eating habits to identify food and herbs that was safe for human consumption. This practice has been well docu-mented in Indian and Chinese medicine. Powerful ... lement, a practice that exists to this day. Even now pig valves are used as a substitute for faulty human valves in heart surgeries. This process however will be discontinued as stem cell research pro ...

(2 pages) 65 1 3.4 Jun/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Animal Testing

Felix Hoffman: the Founder of Aspirin.

1835 chemists were able to extract the salcin and make salicylic acid, and make it into amounts for human consumption, but they found it was very hard on people's stomachs. In 1853 a French researcher ...

(3 pages) 20 0 0.0 Jan/2006

Subjects: Science Essays

Safety of Public Drinking Water

vailability and quality are a source of social and economic concern.Drinking water that is safe for human consumption is called "potable water". In today's world potable water is collected from many o ... prevent contamination and waste. Water which is extracted from these resources must be purified for human consumption.Currently there are many different methods used to remove un-dissolved material, d ...

(9 pages) 115 0 4.3 Oct/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science


Cloning The reason for cloning is to make better engineering of the offspring of animals or humans. Cloning can also help make cures for diseases and let the science of embryology learn how an ... Transgenic is another goal for livestock. This makes them into ideal characteristics for the use of human consumption or other duties such as eggs and milk. This process is very inefficient and is not ...

(2 pages) 12 0 0.0 Mar/2001

Subjects: Science Essays > Genetics & Genome Projects

Animal cloning for human consumption

Although the products of cloned animals and their progeny will most likely be safe for human consumption, we would like to see more comprehensive studies, specifically designed to examine ...

(2 pages) 14 1 5.0 Jun/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Economic Concepts Worksheet Dys Singa University of Phoenix MBA 503: Introduction To Finance And Accounting

e to Concept in ReadingScarcity and ChoiceScarcity and Choice, there exist only a limited supply of human and non-human resources that are available without sacrifice of something else.My Psychiatric ... nursing staff to maintain a high quality of services and care. Due to financial constraints, scarce human and property resources the Director has elected to use financial resources to execute critical ...

(4 pages) 40 0 5.0 Jan/2009

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Experimentation Critique

otic bacteria are incorporated into dairy foods such as milk and yogurt or packaged as capsules for human consumption.In vitro experiments have suggested several mechanisms for the cholesterol-lowerin ... igerated shelf life of up to 12 months. Probiotic capsules and lipids have been examined in several human studies, but with conflicting results. An initial pilot trial produced promising decreases in ...

(3 pages) 75 0 5.0 Aug/2009

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Groundwater Contamination

The survival of humanity greatly depends on the availability of clean water. Humanity has polluted this valuable res ... pollution. These pollutants affect both surface and ground waters that are used for the survival of humankind. One can see surface waters and might be able to see the pollution of these waters. Ground ... off. In turn, the increased surface runoff greatly increases the availability of surface waters for human consumption. A downside to surface water runoff is the increased flooding and surface water co ...

(7 pages) 21 0 0.0 Sep/2009

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

How Do Activated Carbon Water Filtration Systems Work And What Is Their Capacity To Purify Water?

capacity stated as well as the removal of substances such as chlorine.Since chlorine can damage the human body, filters are used to reduce the amount of chlorine within the water. In this experiment, ... chlorine.[295 words]IntroductionWater is a required nutrient for all living organisms. Recommended human consumption is up to 8 glasses of water a day. Untreated water can cause many problems or dama ...

(19 pages) 2241 0 0.0 Feb/2010

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Synopses of JP Morgan Chase

hase, 2010, p. 1). The frequent use of energy from daily activities supplied and demanded for basic human consumption as well as energy production organizations has caused an effect on the environment ...

(4 pages) 11 0 0.0 Sep/2011

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management > Human Resource Management