Essays Tagged: "Housman"

A Rose For Emily by A.E Houseman

I'm not sure when A.E. Housman wrote this poem, however, even at twenty I canidentify. This poem gives light to the risk of ... feeling.I could not help but identify with this poem, but neither have millions who haveread this. Housman by writing this has written the theme of youth, simply because youthis the search of love--w ...

(3 pages) 107 0 4.3 Feb/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

A. E. Housman's 'To an Athlete Dying Young'

A. E. Housman's 'To an Athlete Dying Young,' also known asLyric XIX in A Shropshire Lad, holds as its main ... . The first few readings of 'To an Athlete Dying Young'provides the reader with an understanding of Housman's view ofdeath. Additional readings reveal Housman's attempt to convey theclassical idea tha ... at thispoint, the athlete is 'carried of the shoulders of his friendsafter a winning race' (54). In Housman's words:The time you won your town the raceWe chaired you through the market place;Man and b ...

(7 pages) 205 0 4.7 Nov/1994

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Analysis of "To An Athlete Dying Young" By A.E. Housman

To an Athlete Dying Young The poem To an Athlete Dying Young by A. E. Housman is a piece about one of the most tragic fates. That fate, of course, is dying at a young age ...

(3 pages) 147 0 3.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

"To An Athlete Dying Young" A.E. Housman.

ve a premature death viewed in a positive light. Yet, this is exactly the driving force behind A.E. Housman's "To an Athlete Dying Young." In the poem, it is implied, if not outright stated, that it i ...

(1 pages) 80 0 5.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

Alfred Edward Housman

Poetic Styles of Alfred E. HousmanAlfred Edward Housman, son of Edward and Sarah Jane Housman, was the eldest of 7 children and ... the former British colonies, and was affected deeply. He was also affect by his mother's death when Housman was only twelve years old. (Donald E. Stanford 214) This turned him into a troubled teenager ... ffice in London as well as a professor of Latin in two colleges. (Bryfanski, Carnek, Nebdelson 353) Housman died in 1936 at Cambridge but his ashes were brought to Shropshire and buried near the north ...

(4 pages) 31 0 5.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Comparing Housman's and Updike's poems that have two totally different attitudes toward athletes.

In A.E. Housman's poem "To an Athletes Dying Young" and John Updike's poem "Ex- Basketball Player," each of ... all Player," each of the speakers use two different types of attitudes toward the athletes. In A.E. Housman's poem, his way of thinking about the athlete is negative.Smart lad, to slip betimes awayFro ...

(1 pages) 47 0 3.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

Movie report On Citizen Kane

eath of both his parents; he became the ward of Chicago's Dr. Maurice Bernstein.He worked with John Housman and formed the Mercury Theatre in 1937. In 1938 they produced "The Mercury Theatre on the Ai ...

(4 pages) 59 1 4.4 Aug/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Film Review and Analysis

A.E. Housman/Loveliest of Trees

In his poem, 'The Loveliest of Trees', A. E. Housman takes us through a sort of progression, if you will, from youth to age in three brief stanza ...

(1 pages) 89 1 4.1 Oct/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

"When I Was One And Twenty

Housman was an English poet and a Latin professor. He encountered conflicts during his years in Oxfo ...

(1 pages) 2622 0 0.0 Mar/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Young And Foolish

Young and Foolish The poem When I was one-and-twenty by A.E. Housman conveys two different ideas that seem to come together. The ideas that with age comes wisdom ... n the hard way.As the poem begins, the young man is being advised by someone he calls "a wise man" (Housman 142). Though it never directly tells the age of the man, the poem makes it fairly clear that ... pounds and guineas but not your heart away; give pearls away and rubies but keep your fancy free" (Housman 142-143). Love is not something that can be bought in a store. A heart should not be treated ...

(2 pages) 1420 0 0.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

The Life Of A. E. Housman

The Life of A.E. Housman Written by Tonya Bliss (A.)lfred (E.)dward Housman is one of the very few English sc ... lish scholars to attain a European stature and the only one who is also a poet of consequence. A.E. Housman is famous for such works as An Athlete Dying Young, Because I Liked You Better, and He Would ... ying Young, Because I Liked You Better, and He Would Not Stay For Me, but the piece that introduced Housman to the poetic society was A Shropshire Lad written in 1896 and became hugely popular during ...

(3 pages) 5 0 0.0 May/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Everything Gold Will Die Young

A. E. Housman's "To an Athlete Dying Young" and "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost are poems on trans ... ed in a positive light. Yet this thought is the driving force behind "To an Athlete Dying Young" by Housman. Likewise, Frost portrays beauty as something that seems to be even more fleeting than it re ... before one's eyes.Both poems look back on the beginning of a life. In "To an Athlete Dying Young," Housman reflects back on the life of a champion runner. Housman recalls the time the athlete won a r ...

(4 pages) 16 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

To an Athlete Dying Young A.E. Housman

33;1� Chris NorthcuttLoretta ArnoldSenior English 1B6 March 2009To an Athlete Dying YoungA.E Housman wrote "To an Athlete Dying Young" which was he had written. Housman was born on March 26th i ... Pollard. Jackson was the love of his life more than pollard because Jackson was heterosexual. When Housman said that he wanted him Jackson said no. Due to Jackson's rejection he failed his classes at ...

(4 pages) 34 0 0.0 Mar/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays


COMPARATIVE OF THE LIVES AND TIMES, AND POETRY OFROBERT HERRICK & A. E. HOUSMANRobert Herrick was a 17th-century English lyric poet and cleric. Born in London in 1591, he l ... out Herrick's life.Also hailing from England and born almost 300 years after Herrick, Alfred Edward Housman, known as A. E. Housman, was a 19th-century classical scholar and poet. Born in Fockbury, Wo ... r and poet. Born in Fockbury, Worcestershire in 1859, he died 77 years later in 1936. Like Herrick, Housman attended one of the "Oxbridge" universities. In 1877, he attended St. John's College in Oxfo ...

(14 pages) 5 0 0.0 Jun/2014

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry