Essays Tagged: "Honshu"


aren reser japanerna gärna till Hokkaido för att där är så svalt.På Honshu, Japans största ö, är det nämligen mycket hett på sommaren. I Tokyo ... ren. I Tokyo kan det bli +35 grader. Det snöar bara en eller två gånger.Längs Honshus inre delar sträcker sig dem Japanska alperna. Där finns det många höga ...

(3 pages) 111 1 3.7 Jan/1996

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Japan and her culture

ina. Four large islands and thousands ofsmaller ones make up Japan. The four major islands-Hokkaido,Honshu,Kyushu andShikoku form a curve that extends for about 1,900 kilometres.TopographyJapan is a l ... e Japanese islands have a total land area of about 337,708 sqkm. The islands , inorder of size, are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku. The sea of Japan washesthe country's west coast and the Pacifi ...

(10 pages) 520 1 3.8 Aug/1996

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Japan, a brief history, current information, and global issues.

t of the Korean peninsula and is an island chain that consists of more than 2,000 islands including Honshu which is the 7th largest island in the world. The population is about 126 million which is a ...

(9 pages) 242 1 3.9 May/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History

Japan country analysis- overview of Japan. geography, government, etc.

a of Japan is 374,744 square kilometers. Japan has four main islands. The islands include Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. All of these islands are prone to earthquakes. The highest point of Jap ...

(7 pages) 270 2 4.3 Jun/2003

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Japan Assignment- reasons for strong Japanese economy, what problems Japan must overcome for Industial growth to be achieved and what problems has industrial growth caused.

evelop extra trades as exports exceeded imports. Japan is split up into 4 islands- Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu and Hokkaido. Most of the trade occurs in the island of Honshu, Kobe is in this island. Kobe ...

(4 pages) 122 0 3.3 Nov/2003

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Write a research on Japan's physical geography and Topography, including: Human use of and interactions with the land, Japan's environmental issues.

are kilometers. This beautiful island has more than 3,000 islands, but there are four main islands. Honshu is the largest island in Japan which is a very mountainous island. Hokkaido is the nethermost ...

(3 pages) 45 0 4.3 Apr/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Earth Sciences > Geography

Ambrose Essay On WWII In The Pacific

ing by the Code names of Operation Olympic and Operation Coronet, invading the cities of Kyushu and Honshu, respectively. This ground invasion would have been a climactic battle of race and prejudice ...

(2 pages) 1360 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II