Essays Tagged: "History of Russia"


RasputinThe way a person lives his life and his religious beliefs can greatly affect history and the well being of a nation. A life of stealing and lying can kill you and destroy a nati ... in both his distorted religious beliefs and lifestyle, not only got himself killed, but changed the history of Russia and the world forever.Rasputin was born Grigory Yefimovich Novykh in 1872, to a Si ...

(3 pages) 62 0 3.0 Feb/1996

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

This is a brief history of Russia until Alexander II's rule.

History of Russia(Till' Alexander II's rule")For over 330 years a single family, the Romanovs, has r ... d the czar the most. Especially for being persecuted for their religious beliefs throughout Russian history. They were often used as scapegoats, wrongly blamed for natural or human caused calamities. ...

(2 pages) 56 1 3.9 Nov/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Discuss why there was a revolution in Russia in 1905.

The period of 1890-1917 was considered as a turbulent period in the history of Russia. There were three circumstances led to revolutionary unrest in Russia in 1905, nam ...

(3 pages) 27 0 1.0 Apr/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

The Russian Emancipation From Nicholaus I To Alexander II

In the course of studying Russian History one could justifiably ponder, "How did Russia ever eventually become a world Super Power'." ... r get answered. The question of what to do about serfdom has been an enormous debate throughout the history of Russia. From the Enlightenment to the Industrial Age the tsars proved that they lacked th ... rfs and their "free labor". The emancipation of serfs in Russia became a defining moment in Russian history. Once the proclamation was decreed there would be no stopping the chain of events that would ...

(4 pages) 1420 0 5.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Why did Nikolai II of Russia survive the 1905 revolution but not the February revolution of 1917?

a democratic government instead which is owned by the people, for the people. Sources: 1) European History, 1848-1945 by T. A. Morris 2) ... -the-1905-revolution-but-lose-his-throne-in-the-februarymarch-1917-revolution-12/ 3) and one more similar page.

(3 pages) 2 0 0.0 Nov/2014

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History