Essays Tagged: "Educational technology"

Computers In Education

experiencing the real thing is far more beneficial as opposed to being shown on a computer screen (Technology Critic Takes on Computers in Schools).With computers in school there are a couple of prob ... to Stoll, libraries, art rooms, shop classes, and music rooms have been replaced by computer labs (Technology Critic Takes On Computers in Schools). Computers may be informational, but they cannot te ...

(4 pages) 146 0 3.4 Jul/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

Financial State of Riordan Manufacturing, Inc

al State of Riordan Manufacturing, Inc.The whole is more than the sum of its parts (Encyclopedia of Educational Technology, 2006). Gestalt's theory can very well encompass a business and its processes ... eved June 8, 2006 from, of Educational Technology. (2006). Gestalt Theory. Retrieved June 8, 2006 from ...

(13 pages) 526 0 0.0 Apr/2007

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Strategic Analysis and Selection of Information Systems

al development, some of the firm's functions include financial management and advice on information technology systems. Lastly, under program management, program assessment and program design are some ...

(3 pages) 71 0 3.0 Feb/2009

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

Computer Labs Fit the Bill for Education

or numerous exploration, communication, and research. Internet access, computer software, and other educational technologies have improved the quality of education and strengthened skills in subjects ... abs offer many more advantages over computers in the classroom and labs should not be phased out of educational activities. Ferdi Serim (2005), computer lab teacher, coauthor of the book Net learning: ...

(7 pages) 2072 0 0.0 Feb/2010

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

Business Management

w technologies for information storage3. The specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor; educational technology.The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact of technology regarding th ...

(7 pages) 28 0 0.0 Jul/2010

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges