Essays Tagged: "Dopamine"

DOPAMINE NB:sorry for the previous esssay it was sent by mistake i didn't mean to send two same essays

chers proved that drugs have a chemical that make people unable to quit addiction. This chemical is dopamine, and we will see how it works and affects one person in a minute.Imagine one taking a shot ... ether, they say is a remarkable ability to elevate levels of a common substance in the brain called dopamine'. (Time, May 26, 1997 pp: 43)Many scientists say that brain areas rich in the dopamine nico ...

(13 pages) 178 1 4.9 Jun/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays

A good essay on Parkinsons disease. Written for a medical class

tal stimulate. WhenPD occurs, degenerative changes are found in an area of the brain, which producesdopamine. Parkinson's is characterized by a severe shortage of dopamine.Over one-and-a-half million ... r region calledthe "zona reticulata". Neurons in the zona compacta are accountable for the making ofdopamine, while the zona reticulata primarily creates GABA (gamma amino-butyric acid).Symptoms of PD ...

(4 pages) 190 0 4.7 Jun/2002

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Abnormal Psychology - Mental Disorders

This could be an imbalance in the number of neurotransmitters and/or an imbalance in the amount of dopamine. Stress is not thought of as directly causing Schizophrenia, but often makes already presen ...

(9 pages) 467 1 4.5 Feb/1997

Subjects: Science Essays > Mental Health

Parkinson's Disease...Everything you will ever need to know about Parkinson's Disease.

at controls movement. This degeneration creates a shortage of the brain-signaling chemical known as dopamine, causing impaired movement. There is increasing evidence that Parkinson's disease may be Ge ... e treatment of Parkinson's disease with medication. The first approach attempts to slow the loss of dopamine in the brain and the second approach attempts to improve the symptoms of Parkinson's diseas ...

(3 pages) 138 1 2.4 Nov/2002

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Diseases

Steroid and non-steroid hormones differ in how they affect target cells. Describe the mechanisms involved using specific examples of each. How is it that hormones affect some cells and not others?

e cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone. Non-steroid hormones include choleckystokinin, epinephrine, dopamine, insulin, norepinephrine, serotonin, and vasopressin.Steroid hormones, like estrogen, direc ...

(1 pages) 28482 2 3.8 Jan/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology > Human Biology

The Internals of the Subconscious.

ences because no one is perfectly sure of its function. With medical advances, scientists can block dopamine and stop the reuptake of nor-epinephrine, but no single person has made an advance as signi ...

(2 pages) 35 0 0.0 Jul/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Biology Report on Smoking and its health effects on the circulatory system includes reference list.

ings to indulge in certain foods or activities. When this system is stimulated, the neurons secrete dopamine, which provides the brain with a chemical reward that literally arouses it. Nicotine also i ...

(4 pages) 107 3 4.0 Jul/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology > Human Biology

What is bipolar disorder?

of manic depression are the brain chemicals norpinephrine and serotonin. Norpinephrine, as well as dopamine, are in excess during the manic phase, and serotonin is in excess during the depressive pha ... but they tend to be more useful against the manic phase, as they usually control norpinephrine and dopamine. Anti-anxiety medicine controls the manic phase as well, but it is seldom used and not very ...

(4 pages) 72 1 3.7 Nov/2003

Subjects: Science Essays

Stem Cell Research: Moral or Immoral.

r that effects more that 2% of the population over 65 years of age. PD is caused by the loss of the dopamine producing neurons which leads to tremors, rigidity, and hypokinesia. It is thought that PD ...

(2 pages) 116 0 3.7 Dec/2003

Subjects: Science Essays

Parkinson's Disease

Occurs when an area of the brain known as the "substantia nigra" is damaged, and can no longer make dopamine(, the neurotransmitter that carries movement orders to various parts of the body. Some of t ... . Levodopa is a medicine used to prevent Parkinson's but doesn't really actually cure it. Since the dopamine stops being produce in the brain, this drug medication uses to make dopamine by the nerve c ...

(2 pages) 117 1 4.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology


is thought to produce an overall sense of happiness and well being by affecting the brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. It may also cause increased awareness of the senses, hallucinations, increas ...

(3 pages) 34 0 3.0 May/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Drugs

A basic essay discussing how the brain sends messages throughout the body, how chemicals affect the brain, and explains the left and right brain.

ommunicating.There are different kinds of neurotransmitters. The main ones are called Noradrenalin, Dopamine, Serotonin, and GABA. There are transmitting and receiving nerve cells that are specially t ... causes energy.Emotions-Certain chemicals override brain activity and preside over logical thinking. Dopamine produces feeling of bliss when it rushes to the frontal lobes; it lessens pain and increase ...

(7 pages) 123 0 3.7 Jun/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology > Human Biology


with each other. Some of the neurotransmitters affected by drugs are serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. The class of drugs called stimulant drugs will usually make more a neurotransmitter(s) ava ... ne is a stimulant drug which creates good feelings by increasing the supply of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the limbic system of the brain. Cocaine use creates feelings of great pleasure, energy, ...

(12 pages) 160 1 4.3 Feb/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Current Treatment Strategies for Parkinson's Disease; Are the costs to the community of developing new treatment strategies justified?

ified? Justify your answer.Parkinson's is a neurodegenerative disease, which is caused by a loss of dopamine producing cells in the brain . The disease is progressive and debilitating and is outwardly ... they experience normal movement.Current Treatment Strategies for Parkinson's Disease.DRUG TREATMENTSDopamine:Since dopamine itself cannot pass through the blood-brain barrier, the introduction of addi ...

(5 pages) 66 0 4.6 Oct/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Mental Health

General Overview of Schizophrenia.

This could be an imbalance in the number of neurotransmitters and/or an imbalance in the amount of dopamine. The exact cause(s) of schizophrenia remains unknown at this time. However, both nonbiologi ...

(2 pages) 98 0 5.0 Nov/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Mental Health

Ritalin issues and popular use with children

is on to define ADHD and its cause. Some research indicates that ADHD is an inherited deficiency of dopamine in the brain.At this point in time the main drug prescribed for ADHD is methylphenidate or ...

(5 pages) 59 1 5.0 Apr/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Drugs

Gene Therapy

s unknown and the disorder results from death of brain cells that produce a neurotransmitter called dopamine. The dopamine plays a key role in transmitting commands from the brain's muscle control cen ...

(1 pages) 11 0 0.0 Nov/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Diseases


n especially drugs) Parkinson's disease: neurological disease (brain is not making a chemical named dopamine) Drugs are called psychotropic- drugs that use to alter psychological processes (behavior, ...

(2 pages) 1539 0 0.0 Sep/2001

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Parkinson's Disease

ion of nerve cells in a region of the brain that controls movement. Parkinson's disease degenerates dopamine which is a neurotransmitter causing impaired movement. fifty thousand people each year are ... 3,000 BC.There is no cure for Parkinson's disease. Doctors usily proscribe levodopa which increases dopamine levels in the brain. In server cases some patients get brain surgery and implants have been ...

(1 pages) 40 1 4.0 Jan/2002

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Explain the biological explanations of one of more eating disorders.

rried out more recently investigating the effects of some neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin due to evidence that sufferers of anorexia and bulimia have abnormalities in ...

(6 pages) 20 0 0.0 Oct/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology