Essays Tagged: "Dante Alighieri"

Dante Alighieri. Biography and work

His Early Life:Dante Alighieri was born under the sign of Gemini, he was thought to beborn on May 29, but this is n ... pointin his works, including La vita nuova(The New Life) and La divina commedia(TheDivine Comedy). Dante's education remains an unknown, however his writingskill and knowledge make it evident that he ... is early writings attracted the attention of Guido Cavalcanti, apopular Italian poet of the day, as Dante's skill became more defined the twobecame friends. It is also thought that Dante studied at th ...

(6 pages) 156 1 4.4 Nov/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Dante Alighieri

DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265 Firenze - 1321 sepolto nella chiesa di San Pier Maggiore a Ravenna)1)Vita.La s ... i: una capeggiata da Corso Donati (i Neri), l'alltra diretta dalla famiglia dei Cerchi (i Bianchi). Dante fu vicino ai guelfi bianchi, che intendevano mantenere integri gli ordinamenti comunali e si o ... di Firenze in una signoria larvata. Nelle vicende tumultuose che impegnarono Firenze dal 1300-1301, Dante ebbe una parte di rilievo (tra l'altro, sancì la condanna al confino dei capi dei due p ...

(10 pages) 61 0 3.0 Feb/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Loss of Innocence in Dante's "Inferno" and John Milton's "Paradise Lost". This essay compares the representations of the good of the world between these two epic poems and the real world.

. The end of good is illustrated in the stories, Paradise Lost, by John Milton, and The Inferno, by Dante Alighieri.In Milton's Paradise Lost, the world was good, and everything was enjoyful for Adam ... on would bring forth sin in later years to come, and what could be called the corruption of good.In Dante's Inferno, the consequences of not being good are shown. more and more people sin every day, c ...

(2 pages) 60 0 2.3 Feb/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Dante Alighieri importance in literature and how did his work reflected "the spirit of the Renaissance".

Dante Alighieri was born in 1265 in Florence, Italy, to a family of moderate wealth that was involve ... family of moderate wealth that was involved in the complex Florentine political scene. Around 1285, Dante married a woman chosen for him by his family. Despite this, he remained in love with another w ... a (The New Life), which describes his tragic love for Beatrice.Around the time of Beatrice's death, Dante began a serious study of philosophy and intensified his political involvement in Florence. He ...

(3 pages) 87 0 5.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays

"The divine comedy" by Dante.

ure the fall to hell, and the pain and misery that comes with it. That idea was not far fetched for Dante Alighieri. While society was focused on pleasing god and the church, and getting into heaven, ... icture of hell, or rather the ultimate book of hell.Born in Florence Italy in 1265 to Alighieri II, Dante Alighieri was introduced to life as an impoverished nobleman, being raised by his father, as h ...

(6 pages) 117 0 4.0 May/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

An Overview of the Writer and His Famous Work.

Dante Alighieri, one of the greatest poets of the Middle Ages,was born in Florence, Italy on June ... an early age he began to write poetryand became fascinated with lyrics. During his adolescence, Dante fell inlove with a beautiful girl named Beatrice Portinari. He saw her onlytwice but sh ... him grief-stricken. His first book, LaVita Nuova, was written about her. Sometime before 1294, Dante marriedGemma Donati. They had four children.Dante was active in the political and milit ...

(7 pages) 73 0 3.0 Dec/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

This essay compares the writing of Dante Alighieri Giovanni Boccaccio and, Francesco Petrarca.

oduction of great literary pieces of work. Many famous writers became prominent during this period. Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarch, and Giovanni Boccaccio are a few good examples of these types o ... popolo grasso, and popolo minuto" (Symonds, p.5)The Divine Comedy was written during the period of Dante's exile from his native city of Florence. It was begun perhaps as early as 1307 and the Infern ...

(9 pages) 76 0 0.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Abelard and Heloise

Dante Alighieri wrote his Divine Comedy in the beginning of the fourteenth century. In his work, con ... Comedy in the beginning of the fourteenth century. In his work, containing over one hundred cantos, Dante illustrates the eternal rewards and punishments for many historical and literary figures. In h ... y historical and literary figures. In his highly organized depiction of hell, purgatory, and heaven Dante categorizes sinners and places them where they belong for eternity. Dante, however, did not me ...

(9 pages) 45 0 4.2 Feb/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays

Dantes Purpose in Writing The Divine Comedy as Expressed in Cantos I through III of Dantes Inferno

Mid-way through his life and faced with an ignominious end, Dante Alighieri wrote his greatest work, The Divine Comedy. We can understand Dante's motive in writ ... ne Comedy. We can understand Dante's motive in writing this epic by reading Cantos I through III of Dante's Inferno. The Divine Comedy was a self-analysis by a man who found himself spiritually lost. ... was a self-analysis by a man who found himself spiritually lost. Immediately in Canto I we see that Dante "the character" is lost on a spiritual level. He awakens mid-way through his life in a dark wo ...

(5 pages) 105 0 4.7 Mar/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

The Inferno is a work that Dante used to express the theme on his ideas of God's divine justice. God's divine justice is demonstrated through the punishments of the sinners the travelers encounter.

OUTLINEThesis statement: In Dante's Inferno, the first part of the Divine Comedy, Dante develops many themes throughout the adve ... , Dante develops many themes throughout the adventures of the travelers. The Inferno is a work that Dante used to express the theme on his ideas of God's divine justice. God's divine justice is demons ... trated through the punishments of the sinners the travelers encounter.1) IntroductionA. An overview Dante Alighieri's life, writing style and the InfernoB. Dante Alighieri's life during the torrential ...

(11 pages) 157 0 3.7 May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Critique of the punishments in Dante's Inferno

Dante Alighieri was born in 13th century Italy, where he was involved in politics. When a different ... h century Italy, where he was involved in politics. When a different political party came to power, Dante was sent out of Florence, as was the custom at those times. After being exiled from Florence, ... Divine Comedy which consisted of three books, one of which was the Inferno. The Inferno tells what Dante thought hell should be like. Dante's Inferno consisted of 34 cantos, in which Virgil led Dante ...

(2 pages) 68 0 4.0 Aug/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors

Spiritual Rebirth: A Journey Towards a New Beginning

marily fictitious, it is very much comparable to my life and my personal journeys that I undergo.In Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy of the Inferno, Dante's journey initiated with ignorance and conclud ... rance and sin represented his darkness and understanding represented his light. In the beginning of Dante's inferno, it becomes evident that Dante is lost and is unsure of how he got this state of na& ...

(9 pages) 63 1 4.6 Oct/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith

What Dreams May Come and Dante's Inferno

rities and differences in the hell represented in the movie What Dreams May Come and the Inferno of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.What Dreams May Come is a movie about two soul mates, Chris (Robin W ... at soul mates exist and love goes on after death. One of the main differences between the hell that Dante paints and director Vincent Ward creates in the movie is the idea of the afterlife being objec ...

(6 pages) 77 0 5.0 Nov/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Dante's "Inferno".

Dante Alighieri wrote "The Inferno" as a warning to his peers to turn from their sinful ways; anguis ... This ground-breaking work painted a vivid picture of hell as an evil, inexplicably torturous place. Dante travels through the nine circles of the underworld with Virgil, a fellow poet, as his guide. " ... pirits tried in endless pain and hear their lamentation..." (Alighieri, 31). Through their journey, Dante notices that as they travel deeper, the torment increases proportionally to the sins. Finally, ...

(5 pages) 95 0 4.2 Dec/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Dante and Montaigne: The Epitomes of Their Time Periods

gnificent writers who demonstrated epitomic belief and thought of their eras. One brilliant writer, Dante Alighieri, wrote the Divine Comedy during the Medieval Ages. During the Renaissance period Mic ... rites wrote in two completely different time periods, their pieces have similarities. Both writers, Dante and Montaigne, demonstrate epitomic thoughts of their eras and contain ideas from their time p ...

(5 pages) 21 0 5.0 Apr/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Dante's Popes

Dante Alighieri incorporated corrupt Popes into his work The Inferno in a political ploy to represen ... sed in The Inferno; Pope St. Gregory II, Pope Nicholas III, Pope Boniface VIII, and Pope Clement V. Dante had a problem with each of these political figures in some way or another. Some became his ene ... me became his enemy while others just made him upset for a particular reason and that is the motive Dante had to use them as characters in The Inferno, which is evident now that it is not just a piece ...

(7 pages) 17 1 3.0 May/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Dante and Beatrice: His Ultimate Perfection

Dante is quite possibly one of the greatest writers in history. He is best known for his three part ... s works is Beatrice, the love of his life. Beatrice was in fact, a real person, but she was neither Dante’s lover nor wife. Despite the fact that Dante hardly knew her, she became his ultimate pe ... ardly knew her, she became his ultimate perfection, from which he measured all of his standards by. Dante used this standard of perfection to structure Hell in Inferno and determine punishments for ea ...

(8 pages) 25 0 0.0 May/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

The Romantic Hero

to stay in power by whatever means necessary.Niccolo Machiavelli can be compared and contrasted to Dante Alighieri. There are many similarities between Machiavelli and Alighieri. First, many classica ...

(1 pages) 2161 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science > Political Theory

Dante's Inferno

Comedy or Guilty Conscience Dante Alighieri wrote The Divine Comedy after he was exiled from Florence Italy. Soon after being ex ... on after being exiled he wrote the Divine Comedy with the premise that it was a political allegory. Dante had the audacity to write about hell and purgatory, and why all of his enemies would go there. ... ed to be to make a joke about his political foes and their sins. This motive was soon undermined by Dante himself when he began to have delusions of grandeur. Dante's inadequacies appeared to b ...

(3 pages) 26 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

The Inferno and The True Nature of God

nt that will never happen because most imagery of Hell is depicted as fiery and hot. Ironically, in Dante Alighieri's The Inferno the ninth circle of Hell is composed entirely of ice and human bodies ... le being ice, the nature of God becomes distorted in a way that must be looked at carefully because Dante's God has many flaws that go against the very beliefs of many Christians. Moreover, is the fac ...

(5 pages) 24 0 5.0 May/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature