Essays Tagged: "Bradbury"

Censorship: A Comparison of Two Literary Works (Plato's Allegory of the Cave and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451) with Modern Day Examples of Censorship

hroughout time have made references to Plato's work in both fictional and non-fictional pieces, Ray Bradbury being one of them. Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury's "classic novel of censorship and defiance," ( ... situation, unlock their bonds, and escape the cave into the "real" world. This is the same concept Bradbury uses in his novel, and is thus the reason why he uses cave imagery. "Maybe the books can ge ...

(3 pages) 128 0 4.9 Jan/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Describe Viking raiding practices. How did the Carolingians respond to Viking invasions into their territory? How did Alfred in England respond?

as estimated that the Viking Rorik had under his command 600 ships raiding on the Elbe river alone (Bradbury 21)).Because, at first, the main objective of the Viking raids was mere plunder, the origin ... s was the payment of tributes. These tributes, a "sure sign of the reality of [the Viking] threat" (Bradbury 22) consisted of anything from thousands of pounds of gold, silver, or other valuable metal ...

(4 pages) 44 0 4.1 Feb/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Explain the importance of siege warfare in the High Middle Ages. What was the role of the garrison and castellan?

percent of all warfare was sieges, and the one percent of battles normally developed from a siege (Bradbury 71).Because castles tended to appear everywhere, and because they offered such good protect ... ms'--wherein they not only were keen to "defending their own districts, or rather plundering them" (Bradbury 76), in some cases they proved pivotal in the ever-changing world of allies and loyalty. Al ...

(3 pages) 87 1 4.9 Feb/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

"451 Fahrenheit" by Bradbury.

In his book Bradbury shows his view of the future as he sees it from the 1950s. In the society, that Bradbury de ... ty, he kills his chief and manages to escape.Although the book does not have a lot of action in it, Bradbury captures your mind by the deepness of thought. Despite the fact that the book was written m ... to worry about anything. There is a well-known quote from The Matrix: "Ignorance is a bliss" and in Bradbury's world that is exactly how people live. But what do you do when you break the barrier of i ...

(2 pages) 41 0 3.5 May/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Organisation analysis report

...........pp.18Appendix B..............................................pp.201.IntroductionMs Trish Bradbury, the paper co-coordinator of 152.369, commissioned this report. It was completed with the p ...

(6 pages) 112 0 4.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

A Critical Analyis of Ray Bradbury's "There Will Come Soft Rains".

What would the world be like if mankind disappeared? This is the theme of Ray Bradbury's story "There Will Come Soft Rains". All of the characters in the story are machines, whic ... ke the place of human characters. The theme of man's destruction reverberates throughout the story. Bradbury uses personification to describe the mechanical creations of man that eventually lead to th ... Tick-tock, seven o'clock, time to get up, seven o' clock! as if it were afraid that nobody would" (Bradbury 76). The distress of the voice-clock gives it a humanoid impression, which allows it to tak ...

(3 pages) 38 0 4.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

A Critical Analyis of Ray Bradbury's "There Will Come Soft Rains".

What would the world be like if mankind disappeared? This is the theme of Ray Bradbury's story "There Will Come Soft Rains". All of the characters in the story are machines, whic ... ke the place of human characters. The theme of man's destruction reverberates throughout the story. Bradbury uses personification to describe the mechanical creations of man that eventually lead to th ... Tick-tock, seven o'clock, time to get up, seven o' clock! as if it were afraid that nobody would" (Bradbury 76). The distress of the voice-clock gives it a humanoid impression, which allows it to tak ...

(3 pages) 74 1 1.3 Mar/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains.

ast, eight eggs sunny side up, sixteen slices of bacon, two coffees, and two cool glasses of milk."(Bradbury, 906) Is this the house we have imagined? "There Will Come Soft Rains" says that, yes, we c ... dence in our immortality persists. "Today is August 5, 2026, today is August 5, 2026, today is..." (Bradbury, 911) but nobody answers; This can be our real future.

(2 pages) 55 1 3.3 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

A critical analysis of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

The Dreary and Menacing Future of Technological AdvancementsRay Bradbury's novel, Fahrenheit 451, published in 1953, depicts a grim and also quite feasible predicti ... 451, published in 1953, depicts a grim and also quite feasible prediction of a futuristic world. In Bradbury's technology-obsessed society, a clear view of the horrific effects that a fixation for min ... uraged while people who think "outside the box" are swiftly and effectively removed. The technology Bradbury's society is designed to keep the people uninformed, which the vast majority of are happily ...

(5 pages) 73 0 5.0 May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

How the book Fahrenheit 451 compares life in 1953 to today

s the kids in Clarisse's society.The society we live in now is a reflection of the society in which Bradbury wrote about in Fahrenheit 451. They are technologically advanced, more than we are, but at ... ing more and more like they are. Kids egg houses, key cars, kill children just to have a good time. Bradbury did a nice job predicted what the society would be like in the future, and who knows, maybe ...

(2 pages) 47 2 3.5 Mar/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Discussion of differences between Clarisse and Mildred in Farhenheit 451.

ver gives Clarisse a true age. She only makes this simple statement: "I'm seventeen and I'm crazy" [Bradbury 7], implying she is in her late teens and putting explanation to her odd behavior. Guy Mont ... stimulated Montag who begins to challenge his own thoughts and he looks elsewhere to explore them [Bradbury 15].These two opposing characters help show the true character of Guy Montag. On one side t ...

(3 pages) 32 0 5.0 Apr/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays

"Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury.

ont be so afraid of dying.Another important motif is not to dwell on the past. Throughout the book, Bradbury makes references to the past through older people like Grandmas and Grandpas. They dwell on ... ay have been a girl once, but was not now. Her childhood was gone and nothing could fetch it back." Bradbury makes these connections to his life and how he misses his past. Bradbury grew up in 1928 th ...

(6 pages) 13 0 0.0 May/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Authors

Man-thinking Essay

n-Thinking Project Many things are banned in society. Society bans things that help people, like in Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 people are banned from reading books that help them think and open up thei ... society that is banned from thinking for themselves, just like in the days when Jones ruled.In Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451, the setting is the future where Guy Montag is a fireman who burns b ...

(4 pages) 1020 0 0.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Fahrenheit 451

s are burned and firemen start fires instead of putting out fires. This society can be found in Ray Bradbury's controversial novel about censorship, Fahrenheit 451. In this story a fireman, Guy Montag ... enough to burn it. The plot is simple, yet fiery. Fire is the panacea to everything in this story. Bradbury is attempting to send a message about censorship through his novel by showing that censorsh ...

(8 pages) 2661 0 0.0 May/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Farhenheit 451: Journal

ng and "anti-social" habits intrigue him, and slowly starts to realize how empty his life is. Bradbury's representation of the future is oddly familiar and some connections can be made to today. ... o today. Such as "TV Walls", flat screen TVs, or "seashell" radios, earphones. However, Bradbury still doesn't provide enough background on how the world came to be like this. Why is censo ...

(2 pages) 921 0 0.0 Sep/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers


it just depends how you look at it."The fire was gone, then back again, like a winking eye." (Bradbury pg.145) To me the quote states that fire is unpredictable, it could be out but then start u ... ut that someday it'll have to hit. They only see the blaze, the pretty fire, as you saw it." (Bradbury pg.103) This is a very strong quote that makes me think, and Bradbury is right, that pretty ...

(2 pages) 13 0 5.0 Oct/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

AP Critical Essay on Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury is a widely-celebrated American author, and he easily earns praise from many critics. One s ... erican author, and he easily earns praise from many critics. One such critic, Kingsley Amis, offers Bradbury credit because he appreciates his concrete style of writing. Amis believes that Bradbury ... writing. Amis believes that Bradbury’s solid symbols define his writing, but that is arguable. Bradbury’s reflective narratives, especially in Fahrenheit 451, are his greatest triumph. The a ...

(2 pages) 10 0 3.0 Jun/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Censorship in Fahrenheit 451

In Ray Bradbury’s literature of Fahrenheit 451, he does not choose which sides to be on but instead he ... 51, he does not choose which sides to be on but instead he supports both of the conflicts involved. Bradbury thinks that the world with entertainment creates a life with too much exaggeration and insp ... r the purpose of changing ideas found to be disagreeable, offensive, or harmful to the society. Ray Bradbury doesn’t like to be told on how to write his literature or to revise his novels. To him ...

(3 pages) 1795 0 0.0 Aug/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Symbols in The Raven (written by Edgar Allan Poe)

work Nature (1836) regarded as the "real declaration of American literary independence" (R. Rulad, Bradbury M., 1992:106). The year 1861 brings it to an (American Civil war).F.O. Mathiessen titled hi ... t, effect, refrain - its length, sound, rhythm; than about thematic side. I agree with Ruland's and Bradbury's opinion: "the result of this compositional logic should be only one poem: those one he wr ...

(8 pages) 53 0 5.0 Sep/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > World Literature > Poetry

Analysis of Fahrenheit 451

te to. Some novels bring in themes that we are invited to explore so we understand our world better.Bradbury is a writer who writes futuristic issues that can be related to reality. The issues he exam ... not be happening at the time and may not seem real. However, his texts are warnings to society. Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 is about a world that is not real.Utopia is an ideal and perfect place or ...

(2 pages) 1761 0 0.0 Jun/2011

Subjects: Literature Research Papers