Essays Tagged: "Ben Jonson"

Poetic analysis of Ben Jonson

Ben Jonson was an English dramatist and poet, born in 1572 and whose classical learning, gift for sa ... displayed his erudition, wit, and versatility and contained some of his best lyric poetry. Although Ben Jonson lived during the middle 1600's, when people were at most times trying to put on genteel a ... rances it may have seem he was a brutish rogue but underneath it all he had the heart of a romantic.Ben Jonson wrote many lyrical poems and he was keenly adept at illustrating and portraying contempor ...

(4 pages) 63 0 3.6 Oct/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Ben Jonson, "Still to Be Neat", "On My First Son", and "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes".

Ben Jonson was a major dramatist and poet of the seventeenth century. However, very little is known ... liam Shakespeare, who played a lead in one of Jonson's plays. I will show and analyze just a few of Ben Jonson's poems in this paper.The first poem I read by Ben Jonson was "Still to Be Neat". The poe ... ymbolizing the meaning that seven years are up and the boy has to be returned. In line 10 it says, "Ben Jonson his best piece of poetry", I think this symbolizes that his son was what he was most prou ...

(4 pages) 63 0 3.7 May/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors

Commentary "on My First Sonne" by Ben Jonson.

Commentary "On my first sonne" How does the poet Ben Jonson use structure and language to convey the message of the poem?In the poem "on My first son ...

(1 pages) 53 0 2.3 Nov/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Ben Jonson's comedy "Volpone"

IntroductionBen Jonson lived and worked during the times of the English Renaissance theatre. The "dark" Middle A ... ease, men dare put off your honors and their own? Is that, which ever was cause of life, now placed beneath the basest circumstance? And modesty an exile made for money?" (3.7. 132-138).She can not be ...

(8 pages) 52 0 4.2 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

17th century poetry, John Donne, Marvell, George Herbert, Sir John Supling...

has "fame" in his mind. Now we'll look to the Robert Herrick (1591 - 1674), who was a follower of Ben Jonson and even Jonson was his hero. Herrick wrote many poems without making any effort to publi ... serious and partly not about it. In this paper, we I won't going to say much about John Donne and Ben Jonson, maybe the most important 2 writer of the period. But as they're the most important 2 wri ...

(8 pages) 86 0 3.5 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

How do the poets write about childhood death in 'On my First Sonne' and 'Mid-term break'?

when these poems were written, as childhood illness was often fatal.On my First Sonne is written by Ben Jonson. It is an elegy in which the poet expresses his sorrow for the death of his first son. Jo ...

(4 pages) 56 0 4.1 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

How does Ben Jonson use language and structure to convey the message of the poem "On my first Sonne"?

s his reaction to sorrow when his first son dies. Jonson confronts conflict, loss and despair when "Ben Jonson his best piece of poetrie" was "exacted by fate, on the just day". He uses his son as an ... uses an intertextual link to the bible when mentioning "child of my right hand". He is referring to Benoni, the eleventh son of Jacob [Israel] in the book of Genesis. Benoni means child of grief and B ...

(4 pages) 52 0 3.6 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Shakespear's life,plays

been educated in the classics, particularly Latin grammar and literature. Whatever the veracity of Ben Jonson's famous comment that Shakespeare had "small Latine, and less Greeke," much of his work c ...

(5 pages) 91 1 3.3 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare

An analysis of the poetic techniques employed by Robert Herrick in his exploration of the concept of Carpe Diem

ms on the theme, cautioning people to use their time wisely.Robert Herrick was one of the "Tribe of Ben", a group of poets who followed and were inspired by the works of the dramatist Ben Jonson. The ... ere inspired by the works of the dramatist Ben Jonson. The Cavalier Poets were seen as followers of Ben Jonson because, in the words of Professor Jennifer Mooney, "they drank with, rhymed with and mod ...

(16 pages) 109 0 3.0 May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Peace in Sorrow - Affliction as used by metaphysical George Herbert, cavalier Ben Jonson, and the blind, Puritan John Milton

emblematic poetry of Metaphysical George Herbert, the sorrowful and endearing eulogies of Cavalier Ben Jonson, or the various works of the blind, Puritan John Milton being read, the three schools of ... sanctify the altar of his heart.The Cavaliers took a different approach to the idea of affliction. Ben Jonson, the creator of the genre, let out his often-negative feelings on death in the eulogies " ...

(3 pages) 35 0 5.0 May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Study notes on Cavalier Poetry and Cavalier Poets: Herrick, Carew, Lovelace

sociated with the cavaliers and sometimes with metaphysical poets).They were also known as "sons of Ben" because they spent a lot of time with Ben Jonson, after whose poetry they modeled their own. An ...

(3 pages) 48 0 4.3 Sep/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers


ly and succeeded in bringing about a new vogue for pastoral. Shakespeare's love lyrics and those of Ben Jonson and Michael Drayton also have a pastoral setting.The Pastoral can be applied to both poet ...

(3 pages) 46 1 3.7 Dec/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

An Essay of Dramatic Poesy

rules were spelled out by Aristotle which the current--and esteemed--French playwrights follow; and Ben Jonson--the greatest English playwright. He develops the main point when he starts attacking the ... which is action is being violated by having more than one plot and event. In the end Crites mention Ben Jonson (Father Ben) as the best English dramatist since he fallow the rules of the ancients exac ...

(7 pages) 40 1 3.5 Mar/2005

Subjects: Art Essays > Artists

"On My First son" by Ben Jonson

In the poem "On my first son" Ben Jonson uses powerful diction and language to convey his emotions of anger and despair. These emo ...

(2 pages) 21 0 5.0 Jun/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

"On My First Sonne" by Ben Jonson

an elegy in which the poet is expressing his deep sorrow and lamenting the death of his first son. Jonson contrasts his anguish feeling with that of satisfaction that his son must be now in a better ... is anguish feeling with that of satisfaction that his son must be now in a better place, in heaven. Jonson here uses careful phrasing and strong diction (language) to create a vivid image of sorrow an ...

(3 pages) 16 1 4.0 May/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

The Life And Times Of William Shakespeare

espeare. In fact, they know more about Shakespeare than any other Elizabethan playwrights excluding Ben Jonson. [4,p.3] William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. It is said by A.L. Rowse, the au ...

(5 pages) 18 0 0.0 Aug/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare

Examination of twenty lines of

Examination of twenty lines of VolponeIn lines 78 to 8 on page 28, Jonson's unique style of writing is present. Secondly, there is the characters themselves to analyse ... pts Volpone to say "the vultures gone and the old raven's come". This line in it's self exemplifies Jonson's writing of ncredible depth, as well as Volpone's ability to say bold things.Volpone and Mos ... t once.Giving the characters alternative names of animals in this play is a significant device that Jonson uses in that it shows us the very roots of their characters. Volpone's animal is the fox. Thi ...

(4 pages) 1066 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare

The Power of Human Nature in the Works of Christopher Marlowe

Elizabethan and Jacobean drama. A contemporary of other famous playwrights William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, Marlowe's work is of a similar poetic brilliance. His subject matter and themes however, ...

(9 pages) 26 0 5.0 Apr/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors

Comparison of Marlowe's Barabas and Jonson's Volpone (Studying the main characters from "Volpone" and "The Jew of Malta")

her Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta, written around 1590, shares many interesting similarities with Ben Jonson’s 1605 play Volpone. Both works follow a similar narrative structure and also share ... these two characters illuminate some of the differences between the aims of Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson. Marlowe was much more willing to show disruption of the social order, as well as the she ...

(7 pages) 4228 0 0.0 Oct/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors

Author Analysis: Robert Herrick

Latin studies. But Herrick used already published poems as guidelines like the works of Horace and Ben Jonson, and didn’t let his lack of education hinder his poetry (answers). As his writings p ...

(4 pages) 3266 0 0.0 May/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors