Essays Tagged: "Beardsley"

‘Salome is a virtually unstageable piece, dated

play (Wilde), an opera (Strauss), many series of drawings, paintings and illustrations (Moreau and Beardsley among others), a slow-motion drama (Steven Berkoff) and even a homo-erotic fantasy (Lindsa ... lome is the Wilde play (1891), as this was the version that formed the basis for the Strauss opera; Beardsley illustrated it, and it was the text used for the Berkoff and Kemp productions. Written in ...

(9 pages) 1827 0 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

The Lure of Impersonality in Tradition and the Individual Talent and The Intentional Fallacy

w Critics. My paper is intended to show how some of the core concepts of W.K. Wimsatt and Monroe C. Beardsley's famous essay "The Intentional Fallacy" resembles and can be traced back to those of Elio ... s position became a cornerstone of New Criticism and found its thorough articulation in Wimsatt and Beardsley's The Intentional Fallacy. They define the word "intention" as "the author's attitude towa ...

(4 pages) 1 0 0.0 Aug/2014

Subjects: Art Essays