Essays Tagged: "Anzac Day"

'Gallipoli was a turning point in Australia's history' Assess the impact of the ANZAC experience on Australia and Australians since 1915.

The ANZAC experience that first touched the lives of many Australians in 1915 has continued to have a si ... ury. As old diggers pass away, their children proudly wear their medals and take their place in the Anzac Day service. The number of visitors to the Australian War Memorial has steadily increased each ... s to the Australian War Memorial has steadily increased each year as young Australians remember the ANZAC experience. After that fateful day at Gallipoli on the 25th April 1915, Australia was never th ...

(5 pages) 130 0 3.0 Nov/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > Australian History

Conflict in Successful Drama: "The One Day of the Year" by Alan Seymour.

lian and I'll always stand up for bloody Australia." (Pg 27) But more importantly, he believes that Anzac Day is the one day of the year where he, and others like him, are considered heroes, and conse ... n celebrate their heroism by getting blind drunk. Hughie, on the other hand, works towards exposing Anzac Day for what he believes it truly is- an excuse to get drunk. Hughie has been brought up with ...

(6 pages) 57 0 4.8 May/2003

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama

Australia's national identity through the events of the two World Wars.

t Australia, with the particular focus of these monuments upon World War One, World War Two and the Anzacs, points to a society that takes a great part of its national identity from these wars. The re ... a society that takes a great part of its national identity from these wars. The recurring theme of Anzac throughout these memorials raises several questions about a country that so values the events ...

(5 pages) 85 0 4.5 Aug/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > Australian History

Gallipoli - Anzac Day

enuity, pride, enthusiasm, and above all, mateship. Each pool is a different story, the story of an ANZAC who fought for what he believed was right, regardless of the consequences. But despite the sol ... , regardless of the consequences. But despite the soldier, each story has one thing in common - the ANZAC spirit. The particular characteristics that make every ANZAC stand out from the rest have shap ...

(4 pages) 69 0 3.8 Mar/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > Australian History

Book Report: Alan Seymour, One Day of the Year (An Australian Play) , 'Is Jan The least convincing Character?'

he change in Hughie.Some might argue that Hughie's change was a result of building frustration with ANZAC day and his father; Hughie himself says so, While this may be correct, without Jan coaxing him ... g him out of his shell, Hughie would not have taken photos for an article detailing the faults with ANZAC day celebrations, would not have missed the ANZAC day parade, and would not have been disobedi ...

(3 pages) 24 0 2.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > World Literature

Is Australia turning into an American State?

ay forever Australian. Nothing can convert a true Australian from such icons as Sir Donald Bradman, ANZAC Day and Ned Kelly. The armchair sports fan will never die, and neither will the pride that eve ... the pride that every Australian feels when the Last Post echoes across a motionless War Memorial on ANZAC Day. Australia has something that America doesn't. Australia has an enduring spirit that canno ...

(3 pages) 89 3 3.0 May/2004

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Why has trade union membership shrunk so dramatically in the past twenty five years? Will this continue?

f unions. One of which occurred in Victoria was that the government took away workers right to have Anzac Day off as a public holiday. Unions then pressured the government into providing a substitute ... of the one the workers lost. Where the employers of several companies were concerned many provided Anzac Day a holiday for their employees (N. Webber and T. Giles, 2004). This therefore shows that em ...

(8 pages) 270 0 3.4 May/2004

Subjects: Science Essays

How useful is Peter Weir's film "Gallipoli" in the study of Australia's involvement in WWI and the creation of the ANZAC legend?

precise and the events depicted in the film reflects the powerful national legend of Gallipoli and ANZAC day. This film provides insight on the attitudes to the war, enlistment, training, trench warf ... om Archy's ignorant patriotism and Frank's cynical pragmatism towards the English.One aspect of the ANZAC legend is the concept of mateship. Visually, it is best summarised when Archy is declined from ...

(8 pages) 39 0 4.0 Jun/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Film Review and Analysis

A Discussion of the Strengths and Limitations of Richard White's Thesis.

that have contributed to the making of the Australian national identity. Focussing the essay on the Anzac legend, this essay will be approached and supported with the appropriate supporting evidence a ... ers, the national identity has, despite 101 years of Federation, failed to progress much beyond the Anzac legend. For so many, what happened at Anzac Cove on 25 April 1915 remains the definitive state ...

(6 pages) 55 0 3.7 Sep/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > Australian History

'Elements of the ANZAC tradition and spirit that have remained constant in the Australian society'

2005, Australia will commemorate the 90th Anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign and the forging the ANZAC tradition. The Anzac tradition has been a vital part in Australia's identity since the battle ... ion has been a vital part in Australia's identity since the battle at Gallipoli. The creator of the Anzac legend, official historian Charles Bean, was inclined and responsible for what many Australian ...

(4 pages) 42 0 3.0 Jul/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > Australian History

Gallipoli and the Anzac Legend

st over a month after the navy had left, the first wave of Australians landed at Ari Burnu (renamed Anzac Cove shortly after). Their aim was to secure the Third ridge to enable the following men to la ... a Kemal, who later became Atatürk, the leader of modern Turkey.By the end of the first day the Anzacs had gained a few hundred metres but the defences were too strong for the Anzacs and they were ...

(8 pages) 42 0 4.0 May/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

Anzac day should be allowed to be visited by everyone.

All Australians, aged or young, should march on Anzac Day - it's their privilege and their right to reflect on, and to honour, those who volunteered ... we, all who make up the whole, should take a definite part in solemn remembrance rites such as the Anzac Day March.Family should be able to march to remember and thank those brave soles who fought in ... imaginable conditions, and honestly there can be no more beautiful sight than a veteran marching on ANZAC day holding hands with his grandchild - after all, isn't that who they were, and are, fighting ...

(1 pages) 17 1 3.0 Jul/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > Australian History

How values and characteristics demonstrated by the ANZACs at Gallipoli and later reinforced at the Western Front, continue to influence Australians today

Consider How values and characteristics demonstrated by the ANZACs at Gallipoli and later reinforced at the Western Front, continue to influence Australians tod ... eir courage showed the wayTheir lives they laid down for us, that we may live today."- A Tribute to ANZAC Day by Ken BunkerThere is a day that venerates the events on the 25th April 1915. It is a remi ... rage and hardships. It is a reminder of the heroic people that created a legend. That legend is the ANZAC legend, that day is ANZAC day and those selfless people are the ANZACs. These soldiers' values ...

(4 pages) 5131 0 0.0 Mar/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Australian History

To what extent were the ideals of young Australian soldiers shattered by the reality of their experiences at Gallipoli? Was anything salvaged from such a military disaster?'

red, the shocking conditions of trench warfare and the staggering and unnecessary loss of life. The Anzac’s sense of adventure and their quest to see beyond the shores of Australia were quickly q ... saster and carnage that was Gallipoli, emerged a new set of qualities that would come to define the Anzac spirit and so set in motion the development of a legend.It can be said that the ideals with wh ...

(4 pages) 13 0 0.0 May/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Australian History

Why Did Australia Go To WWI?

ante, Australia was ready to defend their Britain.Nationalism was a major benefactor in joining the ANZACS campaign. Nationalism was pride for one’s country. Many young Australians enrolled in th ... es. This was a sign of respect for many Australians who died before they even had a chance to fight.ANZAC Day Commemoration Committee (Qld) Incorporated; (c) 1998: History - WWI; May 2008

(2 pages) 21 0 4.0 Jun/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Australian History

Attitudes towards war - "Goodbye" from Blackadder and "The One day of the year" by Alan Seymour.

talk tends to show off how important of a figure he is as he was part of the World War II and sees ANZAC as a great and honorable day where he and his old digger friends can get together and celebrat ... when their life could have been much more.The attitudes towards people in the modernized world see Anzac Day rather differently. Huyhie feels that Anzac Day isn't worth all the effort as the day is j ...

(3 pages) 7 0 0.0 Nov/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Diary Entry of an Australian WWI Nurse

sand women sent overseas to assist in the Australian war effort to serve as nurses to help heal the ANZAC’S wounded by the battles and diseases of war, have been giving anaesthetics, bandaging an ... its outcome and help as many of our troops out of their poor conditions as ...

(1 pages) 5766 0 0.0 Feb/2009

Subjects: History Term Papers > Australian History

Australian War Memorial

by all those who fought. The Memorial is also the main place in Canberra where Remembrance Day and Anzac day gatherings are held and as well as this, a website has been created to further assist the ... erra is a host to many large events including functions on Remembrance Day and memorial services on Anzac Day. These mass gatherings of people at this site help to remind everyone of all those who hav ...

(4 pages) 1455 0 3.0 Mar/2009

Subjects: History Term Papers > Australian History

Trading law in Australia

ermarket to prepare and bring fresh food to the customer. They do not have to wait until 1.00 PM on Anzac Day to start preparing food and customers do not have to queue up long line to buy roasted chi ... se that the government may consider adjust restricted trading hours on the rest four days including Anzac Day, Christmas Day, Easter Friday and Sunday. In many people minds, Christmas and New Year Hol ...

(5 pages) 1 0 0.0 Nov/2014

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management > Human Resource Management


the Swiss border. It is like zigzagging from Melbourne to Canberra that's how long it was. When the ANZACs arrived at the Western Front, I think the first thing they might have seen were the lines of ...

(2 pages) 1 0 0.0 Nov/2014

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I