Essays Tagged: "Antonio Gramsci"

News is not simply reported by the media, it is created by the media-Discuss

influence public opinion and change society for political gain. The hegemonicmodel was developed by Antonio Gramsci he believed that the media whether knowingly or not is usedto promote beliefs and id ...

(7 pages) 300 2 3.6 Jan/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies - The Manufacturing of Human Culture.

that can be discussed in relation to the book are: hegemony, organic intellectuals, and culture by Gramsci. Hegemony is when classes come together and develop ideas based on common interests. It is a ... umer-rights movements, he has legions of followers. The last concept would be culture. As stated by Gramsci:"culture is something quite different. It is organization, discipline of one's inner self, a ...

(7 pages) 151 2 4.7 Nov/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

A Detailed Analysis of One Non-Fiction Media Text (The Sun Newspaper)

culture is imposed on the people from above.His fifth definition draws on the political analysis of Antonio Gramsci and his concept of hegemony. This approach sees popular culture as a site of struggl ... in the status quo. Another reason the Sun represents women through just their sexuality is hegemony.Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist, developed the concept of Hegemony. "...the ability of the rulin ...

(8 pages) 101 0 4.6 Feb/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Current Issues

The Fordist approach is equated with mass production

IntroductionAntonio Gramsci called Fordism "an ultra-modern form of production and of working methods such as is ... g methods such as is offered by the most advanced American variety, the industry of Henry Ford" (G. Antonio, 1971: 280-81). Ford pioneered the modern model of mass production which bears his name, and ... as well as the advantages and disadvantages.Fordism and Mass productionFordism is a term coined by Antonio Gramsci and used by critical analysts to designate a specifically 20th century corporate reg ...

(9 pages) 79 0 3.0 May/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

The Effects of Advertisements on Gender Hegemony

ir everyday lives, hegemony, or power over others, has been achieved. According to Italian scholar, Antonio Gramsci, these values or ideologies are the structuring of authority and dependence in symbo ...

(8 pages) 123 0 3.0 Feb/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Communication Studies

Power, Wealth and Status

Common to the sociological theories of Gramsci and Baudrillard is a concept of power significantly influenced by Marxist principles. Gramsc ... their ability to impose their will, despite conflicting interests of the proletariat. Due to this, Gramsci and Baudrillard adopt a zero-sum approach to power, which defines power as constant within s ... intaining social status and consequently, their power. (Haralambos, p41)Despite these similarities, Gramsci and Baudrillard differ significantly their perception of the nature of power and its influen ...

(4 pages) 87 0 4.3 Aug/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays

The Conection Between Political Power And The Medi

ambitions of the media elite. I will also illuminate the agenda of the political elite in terms of Gramsci's theory of hegemony.The existence of the media elite is proved by its concentration of owne ... urther commercial endeavors" (Carroll, 11) Consumerism is propagated in the media by the effects of Gramsci's notion of hegemony. In the cultural hegemony, the public believes in one concept of realit ...

(6 pages) 24 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

Media Elite

ambitions of the media elite. I will also illuminate the agenda of the political elite in terms of Gramsci's theory of hegemony.The existence of the media elite is proved by its concentration of owne ... urther commercial endeavors" (Carroll, 11) Consumerism is propagated in the media by the effects of Gramsci's notion of hegemony. In the cultural hegemony, the public believes in one concept of realit ...

(6 pages) 15 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

Meda Elite

ambitions of the media elite. I will also illuminate the agenda of the political elite in terms of Gramsci's theory of hegemony.The existence of the media elite is proved by its concentration of owne ... urther commercial endeavors" (Carroll, 11) Consumerism is propagated in the media by the effects of Gramsci's notion of hegemony. In the cultural hegemony, the public believes in one concept of realit ...

(6 pages) 1960 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science


ambitions of the media elite. I will also illuminate the agenda of the political elite in terms of Gramsci's theory of hegemony.The existence of the media elite is proved by its concentration of owne ... urther commercial endeavors" (Carroll, 11) Consumerism is propagated in the media by the effects of Gramsci's notion of hegemony. In the cultural hegemony, the public believes in one concept of realit ...

(6 pages) 34 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

‘A gets B to do something that he or she would not otherwise do.’ Does this sum up the essence of political power?

llectual and moral leadership reveal to be more efficient in the long run than military repression. Antonio Gramsci's definition of hegemony can help us identify the way in which society works nowaday ...

(7 pages) 0 0 0.0 Apr/2014

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science