Essays Tagged: "alcohol alcohol"


ALCOHOL        Alcohol is a widely used substance for both science and in technolo ... ning ' a powder for painting the eyes'. The termwas later applied to all compounds that contain alcoholic spirits.        To most people alcohol is considerd a downer that reduce ... le alcohol is considerd a downer that reduces activity in the nervoussystem. Some of the things alcohol effects you is, the alcohol intoxicated person exhibitslose muscle tone, loss of fine mot ...

(8 pages) 192 0 3.9 Apr/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

Psychodelic Drugs

AlcoholAlcohol is one of the most widely used drugs in this society. It is accepted as a part of soc ... ising infers that drinking is the path to happiness, success, romance, etc. There are references to alcohol and its effects from earliest known writings. Alcohol is consumed in the beverage form and s ... ritings. Alcohol is consumed in the beverage form and sold legally in this state to persons over 21.Alcohol is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine. It is dis ...

(13 pages) 235 1 4.3 Nov/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol


ALCOHOLAlcohol is a widely used substance for both science and in technology. Its namecomes from an ... meaning ' a powder for painting the eyes'. The termwas later applied to all compounds that contain alcoholic spirits.To most people alcohol is considerd a downer that reduces activity in the nervouss ... people alcohol is considerd a downer that reduces activity in the nervoussystem. Some of the things alcohol effects you is, the alcohol intoxicated person exhibitslose muscle tone, loss of fine moter ...

(17 pages) 289 0 3.9 Apr/1997

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

Alcohol, how behaviour changes when alcohol is introduced

How alcohol may affect human behaviour4. A young man started behaving in an aggressive and abusive manne ... haviour4. A young man started behaving in an aggressive and abusive manner after he had a number of alcoholic drinks at a party. The next day he was behaving quite normally and was quite concerned whe ... ormally and was quite concerned when shown a video of his behaviour the previous night. Explain how alcohol may affect human behaviour.Some Facts(1)Australian industry loses more than one billion doll ...

(4 pages) 262 0 4.1 Jan/1997

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

"Drugs" and Australian laws

ssessment I will be talking about many different issues raised concerning drugs in our society.[2.] AlcoholAlcohol is a depressant drug and not a stimulant as many people think. Small quantities of al ... manner. In larger quantities depressants can cause unconsciousness and death.[2.1] Use in AustraliaAlcohol is the most widely used drug in Australia. People drink to relax, celebrate and have fun. Al ...

(6 pages) 75 0 4.6 Nov/2002

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Drugs

"The Chess Players" Book Three Chapter Five We were assigned a chapter of Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky had to find major motifs in the chapter.

signed (pg 255-258) is further undeniable proof of his views. Some things simply cannot be escaped.Alcohol: Alcohol has been a continuous motif through out the novel, but serving different purposes i ...

(3 pages) 24 0 0.0 Mar/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Alcohol should be illegal. It has been shown to cause many social and economic problems within local societies.

accepted as substances that cause addictions and other significant problems for society. Arguably, alcohol falls under this category. Why should other substances be illegal and alcohol be freely and ... nd alcohol be freely and legally available.Could it be that our government relies, financially upon alcohol?Alcohol is a drug that slows down you nervous system and brain, it is also the most widely u ...

(1 pages) 44 0 3.0 Nov/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: The Vital Choice

Fetal Alcohol SyndromeThe Vital ChoiceWhat is the leading known cause of mental and physical birth defects ... in a developing fetus than heroin, cocaine, or marijuana? The answer to both questions is the same: alcohol. Alcohol (wine, beer, or liquor) is the most common preventable cause of birth defects. Wome ... rice in mental and physical deficiencies for the rest of his life. Yet many pregnant women do drink alcohol, and it is estimated that one in every 750 infants is born with full-blown fetal alcohol syn ...

(4 pages) 93 0 4.7 Jun/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Mental Health

Drinking makes you impotent

Absolut ImpotenceThe next alcoholic ad shows an absolut vodka bottle saggy, slumping and leaning to one side. Below the pictur ... he bottle in the same way as the original but depicts the medically proved side effects of drinking alcohol.Alcohol effects both males and females hormones. It makes males impotent and cases impaired ... ho are interested in having kids sooner or later. Young adults need to be aware of the effects that alcohol can have on hormones.Alcohol also causes cancer and heart disease, and it wreaks havoc on th ...

(1 pages) 26 1 5.0 Nov/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

How Drinking Affects Driving (this is a final copy and a typed outline)

OUTLINE:Effects if Alcohol on Drivers PerformsThe use of alcohol has been a major problem in our societyA serious probl ... been a major problem in our societyA serious problem of alcohol is that of drunk driversFacts About AlcoholAlcohol is a common name for chemical substances ethanol, grain alcohol or ethyl alcoholNot d ... cal substances ethanol, grain alcohol or ethyl alcoholNot digested but absorbed into the bloodstreamAlcohol is a major factor in nearly 41% of traffic accidents where some one is killedNearly 60% of a ...

(3 pages) 43 1 3.0 Jan/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community > Children and Youngsters

The effects of alcohol on the body

How does alcohol affect the human body?Alcohol affects the whole body and does not just cause the drinker to ... e body and does not just cause the drinker to act drunk. Every part of the human body responds when alcohol is present in the body.The brain is affected by alcohol with impairment in behaviour, judgem ... -ordination as well as mood swings and emotional outbursts.The Central Nervous System is sedated by alcohol and the ability of the nerve cells to respond is damaged. Sleep, anaesthesia, respiratory fa ...

(1 pages) 23 0 0.0 May/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry


Understanding Drugs: AlcoholAlcohol is our society's "chosen drug." It makes us unable to see what harm it can do in many ... f reason people choose to drink. People do it to gain confidence, for fun, to loosen up, and relax. Alcohol is not safe at all. If you drink too much, you can even die. Alcohol is a chemical. I ... s. It is made by microscopic living things called yeasts, which live in water and are fungi. Alcoholic drinks include different ingredients in how they are made. Beer, for instance, is fermente ...

(5 pages) 39 1 5.0 Aug/2001

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

Underage Drinking

no effect on them. To many people around the United States this is a serious issue. The effects of alcohol are great and all will agree that there needs to be some limitations on this substance. To w ... at there needs to be some limitations on this substance. To what extreme should the laws placed for alcohol or should we even have any at all. That I the case in some countries, they don't even have a ...

(3 pages) 11 0 3.0 Sep/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Why The Drinking Age Should Be Hept At 21

More than 50 million people have alcohol problems in the USA. Alcohol is related to 1000,000 deaths per year. Teenagers are probably ... he USA. Alcohol is related to 1000,000 deaths per year. Teenagers are probably most associated with alcohol.The drinking age is 21 but they have already exist many discussions about a lowering or even ... ns.One good reason to keep the drinking age at 21 is the physical effect that appears by the use of alcohol. Alcohol starts to play a big role in the early stage of someone's life.It can be fatal if i ...

(3 pages) 31 0 1.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol


What is alcoholism? Alcoholism is the chronic, progressive, and potentiality fatal disease. This condition i ... chronic, progressive, and potentiality fatal disease. This condition involves a preoccupation with alcohol, and loss of control of consumption of alcohol. Alcohol abuse is the frequent consumption of ... . Alcohol abuse is the frequent consumption of alcohol, just to become intoxicated. You may have an alcohol problem and continue to abuse it, ignoring its adverse health effects, work and financial ef ...

(6 pages) 77 0 3.0 Aug/2001

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

Report on Drink Driving and Driver Fatigue; statistics, current laws, risks/hazards and costs (mental, physical and financial)

Drink driving can be defined as the act of operating a motor vehicle after having consumed alcohol (ethanol) or other drugs. Not only is it very dangerous, but it is illegal too. Just because ... and aren’t drunk, doesn’t mean that you aren’t affected or will soon be affected by alcohol. Alcohol, being a depressant, does many things to the body such as slowing the brain down, r ...

(3 pages) 1884 0 3.0 Jun/2007

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

Environmental Science - E85 Usage

. In 1908, Henry Ford designed the Model T, and it was designed to run on a mixture of gasoline and alcohol. Even as early as 1908 they were calling the gasoline and alcohol mixture the fuel of the fu ... lvent. Ethanol is the most important member of a large group of organic compounds that are known as alcohol. Alcohol is an organic compound that has one or more hydroxyl groups attached to a carbon at ...

(14 pages) 56 0 0.0 Jan/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science


Alcoholism is defined as a "primary progressive, chronic fatal disease" (Estes). It is often questio ... coholism is an actual disease at all. A disease is a heath problem that is involuntary and drinking alcohol and developing alcoholism can be considered a voluntary action. Alcoholism is the persistent ... alcoholism can be considered a voluntary action. Alcoholism is the persistent and excessive use of alcohol that is a habit that turns into a fatal problem. Drinking alcohol is a personal choice made ...

(5 pages) 13 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

Alcohol and Driving

Driver EducationWhat is alcohol?Alcohol, as a drug is a depressant not a stimulant, meaning it slows down the central nervou ... action time to surprises. These affects can greatly endanger a driver who is under the influence of alcohol cause they might crash the car you know?In chemistry, an alcohol is any organic compound in ... d to a carbon atom of an alkyl or substituted alkyl group. The general formula for a simple acyclic alcohol is CnH2n+1OH. In common terms, the word alcohol refers to ethanol, the type of alcohol found ...

(5 pages) 13 1 3.0 Sep/2009

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Drugs