"Wishing Upon a Wizard" Feature story for Public Relations and Advertising

Essay by thisguy42College, UndergraduateA-, April 2006

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"Freshmen Wishing Upon a Wizard"

To some it's "wishing upon a star" but to the freshmen of Alvernia college it's "wishing upon a wizard." As a fund raiser for the freshmen class they play a game of basketball against the faculty of the college. The freshmen are currently 0-2 against the faculty and they have called upon some friends for help. The freshmen are bringing in the Harlem Wizards for some help against the staff. The game which is slated to tip-off at 7:00 on April 25th at Alvernia's gym.

The Harlem Wizards? I'm sure your asking yourself who are they? Well they are a farm team that takes after the Harlem Globetrotters. Their style of play is very similiar to the Globetrotters and it will be a family oriented event. "Bringing in these guys will help us finally win and also have a ton of fun" said freshmen student John Doe.

"I know a lot of the freshmen playing are very excited about this and can't wait to get on the court." he said.

This freshmen/faculty game is also raising money for Make-A-Wish Foundation in which a 17 year old boy will be at the game and money will be raised to make his wish come true. Tickets will be sold through out the community, on campus, and at the gym. Tickets will $10.00 a person and food and beverage will be sold during the game.

"This really brings the community on campus together." said President Flynn. "The game should bring smiles to many faces and hopefully the faculty will win yet another game!" he exclimated. Doors will open at 6:00 and bring the whole family out for a night of fun brought to you by the freshmen of Alvernia College.