The Value and importance of Romance and Love

Essay by niajsarapHigh School, 10th gradeA+, May 2006

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Love, a strong feeling for; feeling of desire; great fondness, to be strongly attracted to. Romance, a story of wonderful, fanciful events; a love story: a love affair. Romance and love equal life. Bottle of water, two dollars, diamond ring, one thousand dollars, love and romance priceless. One thing money cant buy is love. One cant live without it, and when they have it's hard to let go.

The presence of someone in your heart gives you a feeling that you want you a feeling that you want to keep. For example, in life you can't go to the doctor or the super market and pay them to get love. It also gives you happiness and trust. A friend or a loved one is someone you can share anything with.

With love comes pain also. When a heart brakes many people cant deal with such depression. In 1996 in Virginia, a girl jumped off a high building killing herself and the reason behind it was the death of someone she loved a lot.

Love can not be forgotten. It is something that stays with you forever.

Negatives and positives effects come with any value. Love is something many people live their life for. It is something you can not live without and once you have you can't let go of it. Money doesn't get it for you, it's priceless. In the end love is something everyone wants and the negative aspects of it not many to think about at first. Everyone just wants to cherish love.

With love comes a great deal of security, happiness and care, all things that money can't buy you. Money can't buy you your social life, but the value, love, can get you to the point,