
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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I once felt like going away to never never land.

But that all went away. Never had a nother bad day.

Keep it inside and tell the not to hide.

Its good when I feel all the same inside.

Fly away to another place, when nobody loves you and nobody cares.

Float away into the stars above and just let your cares.......fly.

Chasing little butterflies high above the mucky-muck Taken down, I have bad luck. But why, never had to die...........

But why? Everybody crying, little children dying. Nothing keeps the beasts at bay Another one lies again, have more to talk about along the way. Nothing may......happen.

But if loves comes my way, I'll be ready that day oh yes,,,, I will be ready.

Why? should it come unnoticed and unseen for me,,,unseen.

Why? once felt like going away to never never land.

But that all went away.

Never had a nother bad day.

Keep it inside and tell the not to hide.

Its good when I feel all the same inside.

Fly away to another place, when nobody loves you and nobody cares.

Float away into the stars above and just let your cares.......fly.

Chasing little butterflies high above the mucky-muck Taken down, I have bad luck. But why, never had to die...........

But why? Everybody crying, little children dying. Nothing keeps the beasts at bay Another one lies again, have more to talk about along the way. Nothing may......happen.

But if loves comes my way, I'll be ready that day oh yes,,,, I will be ready.

Why? should it come unnoticed and unseen for me,,,unseen.

Why? once felt like going away to never never land.

But that all went away. Never had a nother bad day.

Keep it inside and tell the not to hide.

Its good when I feel all the same inside.

Fly away to another place, when nobody loves you and nobody cares.

Float away into the stars above and just let your cares.......fly.

Chasing little butterflies high above the mucky-muck Taken down, I have bad luck. But why, never had to die...........

But why? Everybody crying, little children dying. Nothing keeps the beasts at bay Another one lies again, have more to talk about along the way. Nothing may......happen.

But if loves comes my way, I'll be ready that day oh yes,,,, I will be ready.

Why? should it come unnoticed and unseen for me,,,unseen.
