The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

Essay by kissable1025University, Master'sA, April 2004

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The Tipping Point


Malcolm Gladwell

A tipping point is anything that effects something in such a way that drastic changes take place. In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell gives us insight as to how we could possibly create a tipping point or epidemic in our own lives. If we learn about what makes tipping points, we will then be able to understand exactly how and why things happen in our world today. We would be able to think about changes that we want to take place and actually have the knowledge and ability to make those changes occur. Gladwell discusses three rules that he states are necessary in creating a tipping point or epidemic. He terms these as the Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor and The Power of Context.

The first rule is the Law of the Few which says there exists a select few individuals in the world who are extremely important to society.

Gladwell calls these unique individuals Connectors, Mavens or Salesmen. Connectors are people whom we highly trust and depend on. They are very popular people who know many people and whom introduce us to their large social life. We then make their social circle our own. Mavens are helpful people with an exceptional amount of knowledge. They are the people who learn about things and have a yearning to indulge others with their knowledge. Salesmen are those who are especially persuasive and have such a captivating personality that one can get immersed in them.

An example Gladwell uses to explain the Law of the Few is Paul Revere's midnight ride. On the evening of April 18, 1775 Revere rode through the towns of Massachusetts and told of the pending British attack. It is often unknown that there was another person, William Dawes,