school of rock

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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The film that I chose for the film review section of the class is called "School of Rock," written by Mike White, directed by Richard Linklater and produced by Scott Rudin. A brief synopsis of this film will consist of rock music appreciation in a comedy format. Dewey Finn is the main character portrayed by Jack Black. Finn falls upon a group of musically inclined children during his desperate search to locate and obtain a steady income. He misrepresents himself as his roommate, Ned Sheender, portrayed by the writer Mike White, in order to successfully land himself a job as a substitute teacher at a prestigious, private elementary school for gifted children. During this hopeless attempt for income he teaches the entire school as well as the parents of the children attending the school to learn to appreciate not only music, but in specific, rock music.