Rocket Launching Lab

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Rocket Launching Lab Purpose The purpose of this lab is to enjoy and learn from the construction and launching of a rocket, and to follow directions. To launch rockets in a safe manner. To calculate the actual height of puff of smoke of the rocket from the launch elevation: both by actual measurement and calculations, and by calculations using motion equations. To review the solving of a triangle to determine the height of the puss of smoke made by the rocket; to review the use of motion equations; to describe the rocket motion in words. To explain factors which might explain any differences in the calculated height using motion equations and measured height.

Materials Estes Rocket Kit (rocket itself, rocket engine, igniter, wadding), launch pad, starter, triple beam balance, angle measurer, and stop watch.

Data Taken in Advance Mass of Rocket: 34.7 g = .0347 kg Average Force of Rocket Engine: 6 N Time Delay (time engine stops to puff of smoke): 2 sec Data Taken on Launch Day Distance (spot of launch to spot of angle measurement): 83.3

m Angle (observation to launch point and to smoke puff of rocket at height, h): 51 Time (launch to smoke puff): .4 sec The rocket flew upwards in a straight path until the last 25% of its flight. After thrusting 75% of the way in the air, it caught a gust of wind and was turned to glide upwards at an angle so that when the rocket completed its upward flight, it would fall in the retention pond near by. The rocket accelerated quickly, allowing it to reach high speeds. However, since the wind angled the rocket off of its straight course, it was not able to fly to its potential height because it was curving to the side.

Calculated Height to Puff of Smoke From The Ground Measured Height to Puff of Smoke Explanation of Factors This lab has potential for error because there are many factors that could be either inaccurate or cannot be prevented. There could be error measuring time, weighing the rocket, the fins could either fall off or not be glued straight (changing the flight of the rocket), error timing, and error measuring the angle. There are also natural factors such as the wind.

Conclusion Calculations and answers. Equations. Describe rocket. Human error.