President Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal

Essay by ninte3ngowiilong January 2007

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Theodore Roosevelt certainly helped the country in the right direction. He paved the way for reform, especially trust regulation. His nickname as the trustbuster was truly earned as he made many constant efforts in those areas, as well as others. His Square Deal plan targeted trust regulation, labor relations, and public health and conservation, the three most reform thirsty areas. His plan targeted the three c's, which were control of the corporations, consumer protection, and conservation of natural resources.

During the presidency of Roosevelt, many actions were taken to select the goods trusts from the bad trusts. The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was signed into law by Grover Cleveland. The Interstate Commerce Commission was created as a result of the tensions against the railroad industry. The western farmers were the driving force behind much of the discontent because they believed the railroad abused its power. The price discrimination also angered many, as well as the fact that the railroads had influence over the city and state governments, in the sense that it gave free transportation to certain political leaders.

The Elkins Act of 1903 helped strengthen the Interstate Commerce Act. It imposed fines on railroads, which offered rebates, and also on the shippers who accepted these discounts. Roosevelt "sponsored" the act, and his popularity rose as a result. The railroads, however, welcomed the Elkins Act. The Hepburn Act of 1906 also worked as a trustbuster. It strengthened railroad regulations, but increasing the ICC size from five to seven years. It also gave the ICC the power to establish maximum rates and restricted the use of free passes. Brought out common carriers, which transported goods. It is clear that there were many aspects of trust regulation, which Roosevelt managed.

Another important aspect of Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal was the...