The Positive Effects of Teenage Pregnancy and its Prevention

Essay by ptrwinnCollege, Undergraduate April 2004

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Not every teen pregnancy is unpleasant and regretful. According to a story by a teen mother name Mag, in "Who Would Have Believed" says that her life style change dramatically after she discovered that she was pregnant. Before that, she was a "rebel", going out drinking, making her parents mad, and just like many other teens, she was hard to control at the age of fourteen. While dating, Mag became pregnant at the age of fifteen. Discovered the shocking new, Mag stopped drinking, became very responsible by taking good care of her unborn child and when her child came into the world, Mag was always there for her son. After the birth of her son, Mag continued her schooling and graduated from high school. With the support of her boyfriend, they were quiet financial stable. Mag went on working a part time job and enrolled in a two years college.

Six years later, Mag became a mature lady finished her two years college and now enrolling in a university seeking for a career. Now at the age of twenty, Mag won her parent's respect by her accomplishments and responsibilities (

Great number of teen parents agreed that bearing a child teaches them great responsibilities. Responsibilities here are not changing diapers or changing the baby's clothes but keeping the child healthy and provide the special needs for the child. Teen parents also agreed that bearing a child provide them higher self esteem, give them more confidence in decision making, reaches maturity at a higher level and a very challenging life. These positive confidences added up to total out the stressful, emotionally, and physically exhausting time that they experienced. If Mag did not bear that child, she would still be out drinking and still live the life that she had always lived.