Piaget's cognitive development

Essay by ardncat27University, Bachelor's April 2006

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Jean Piaget was a developmental psychologist in the early half of the nineteenth century. He was famous because of his work with children and figuring out how their brains worked. He believed that a child's brain is different from an adult's brain, and that there are stages that the brain has to go through developmentally to be considered totally matured. One of the reasons that our brain needs to go through developmental stages because humans are driven to understand and make sense of our life experiences. Piaget developed the four stages of cognitive development, which outline the general ages at which these changes occur and how they occur.

The first stage that all humans have to pass through is the Sensorimotor stage that lasts from birth until the age of two. At this stage children are experiencing their world through their senses. They use sight, touch, smell, taste, and sound to figure their surroundings out.

A baby will stick almost anything in their mouth because it is a strong sense. From their mouth alone they can get a feel for the texture, the taste, the size, and the general fun factor of an object from putting it in their mouth's. Another development that occurs in this stage is that by one year a child can mimic basic gestures that you make at them. Young infant's dos not posses object permanence, which is the awareness that objects continue to exist when not perceived. So if you gave a baby a big green block, then took it away from them, they wouldn't notice that there was ever a green block. Children of this age also might have stranger anxiety. A great toy for kids in this stage is a Zolo Bobble Activity Toy. The Zolo toy is a series of different plush...