Mr. Phillips As A Speaker

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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He read an essay for the audience, A New World Order. This is a non-fiction essay; he commented that he does not write non-fiction stories often because he finds it difficult. He said that he considers it difficult because non-fiction expresses the writer's opinion and the writer exposes himself/herself, where in fiction the writer's opinion can be hide. He explained that even though fiction is less problematic, non-fiction allows the writer to say whatever he/she feels like saying about himself/herself and about the world.

His essay was interesting. It caught the audience attention since its first lines. The essay was about a child who starts a journey in his life. It is all about the different emotions the child goes through during his/her journey, and the search for his/her own identity. I liked the essay.

This event took place in a conference room. It was well organized. Cookies, water, and coffee were served for whoever wanted to have some.

Also, some of his books were for sale in the back of the room.

I expected more people to go, but only few people went. Caryl Phillips seemed uncomfortable and disappointed because of the minimum audience. Even though there were only about ten people, the audience participated and asked questions. I did not like the fact that Mr.

Phillips talked only about national barriers and racism towards black people. Although the audience changed the subject and asked something of a different topic, Mr. Phillips went off the subject and he started talking about the same topic again. In addition, he had an attitude. He did not seem friendly or sympathetic. Mr. Phillips seemed fearful; I think he felt like the audience was going to attack him with bad looks and comments.

I sincerely do not recommend anyone to go see Mr. Phillips as a speaker. However, I do recommend people to study his work because I consider Mr. Phillips' work to be interesting to read and to share with other people.