Mentorship - The Missing Link

Essay by thompson3197College, UndergraduateA+, November 2014

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Intro: Shalom and welcome again to ONMA's 1st Annual Global Cyber Conference which has been designed in accordance with the three C's of our corporate vision: To Connect, Confirm & Commission Ministries for the work of The Kingdom of G‐d. This One New Man Alliance module entitled Mentorship is one 45 min. session. In this session will we endeavor to answer the following questions and discuss the terms mentioned below pertaining to this subject. I will also use my personal experience to support my answer because I am currently in a mentorship program with my Rabbi John Wesley Adkins.

1. What is Mentorship? Mentorship is the practice of assigning a junior member of staff to the care of a more experienced person who can assist him/her in becoming excellent in their career, task, project or field of occupation. In my situation, I am the junior member. Rabbi John is the more experienced person who is doing a great job of assisting me in becoming excellent as both a Pastor of Christian Love Center and a Prophet in his organization.

God also uses me as a Prophet at Christian Love Center, but the true seeds of a Prophet were sown and watered at my mentor's organization. I had another ministry to sow some seeds of a Prophet into my life, and I am grateful of that experience. However, having operated in the office of a Teacher, I could quickly grasp the concept of providing a scripture to support the prophetic word. Such a concept is considered the true seeds of a Prophet to me.

2. How does one go about seeking the right Mentor? The steps are as follows:

Step #1 - Mentorship must be established on a RELATIONSHIP. The mantra in the area of real estate is location, location, location.