"Love and Marriage in Contemporary Society" Discusses traditonal gender relationship roles inflicted upon us by society and analyzes love myths in society today.

Essay by guttersnipeUniversity, Bachelor'sA, October 2004

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Today in society we are accustomed to the idea that love and marriage are inseparable and we now relate love and marriage paired together but we didn't start this until recently in western history. By the 1890's couples began to become influenced by the notion that compassion could be apart of marriage. In many parts of the contemporary world, what determined the selection of your wife would've been marriage brokers, parents, matchmakers, or other relatives and love was to be expected to develop years later through the marriage. The process of mate selection and the love that grows with it is very structured process in society. In the last century, many myths developed in society about love and marriage. (Lindsey, pgs 160-161)

Love at first sight is a myth that assumes how you look is who you are and is described by psychologists as the Halo Effect. The Halo Effect explains that better character and better skills are associated with attractiveness.

For example, good looks are associated with sensitivity, warmth, responsibility, and competence. The Mere Exposure Effect states that the more you are exposed to a person, the more feelings you develop for that person. This explains why college facilities are breeding grounds for marriage in society. Another stereotypical myth is that women are the romantic gender. Society believes that they fall in love easily because they are more emotional and submit themselves to romance. But in truth, men fall in love earlier and with more intensity than women. Men tend to be much more romantic in their attitude towards love while women are cautious about love. (Lucus, pg.1, 3rd par) (Thompson, pg.1)

Because of the sexual revolution of the late 20th century, the belief that sex without love is enjoyable is accepted in society. However, both males and females...