J.R.R. Tolkien - On Matters of Style and Audience

Essay by aloha22University, Bachelor'sA+, May 2006

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J.R.R. Tolkien - On Matters of Style and Audience

Possibly one of the most esteemed authors read by both adults and children alike, J.R.R. Tolkien and his vivid imagination have captured the hearts of audiences across all ages. His works - despite critics' claims - continue to be hailed by both luminaries of the literary circle and the ordinary men on the street. Despite the epic complexity of his works, Tolkien is one of the most read authors of today. His most famous work, "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, is now a major motion picture, reviving the interest of audiences around the world in his imaginary Middle Earth. The question then, is how does Tolkien reach beyond the constraints of a reader's demographics to touch the minds and hearts of those who read his work? This paper attempts to find out.


John Ronald Reuel Suffield Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892 in South Africa to English Bank Manager Arthur Tolkien and his wife, Mabel Suffield. Tolkin's only sibling was his brother Hilary. Arthur died young in South Aftica of a severe brain hemorrhage, and the siblings were left in the care of their mother. Soon after, Tolkien and his family lived in various villages in Engliand, which would later inspire scenes in his books - as would areas in Worcestershire, particularly his aunt's farm of Bag End - a name familiar to those who love Tolkien's fiction (J_ R_ R_ Tolkien - Wikipedia. www.wikipedia.com).

Literature - Tolkien 2

Mabel influenced her sons greatly, even in religion. She converted to Catholicism despite vehement protests from her Baptist family. She also inspired young Ronald the enjoyment of the look and feel of plants. Young Tolkien was a good artist, but his interest lay in languages, as his mother...