Investigation of an Infectious Diease: AIDS

Essay by simpleplanfreak15Junior High, 7th gradeB, June 2006

download word file, 1 pages 2.5

Downloaded 1264 times

1. Name of the disease being investigated: AIDS. (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

2. Name the type of organism that causes the disease: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

3. How is the organism transmitted between people? Through contact between the bloodstream or the mucous membrane with infected bodily fluids, such as blood, semen, breast milk, vaginal fluid, saliva, etc. The transmission can in the form of sex, (anal or vaginal) kissing, contaminated needles, childbirth, really anything that makes a person exposed to any of the bodily fluids.

4. What are the symptoms of the disease? The major symptoms of this disease is that it gradually breaks down a persons immune system, leaving them wide open to diseases caused by various bacteria's, viruses, fungus and parasites. The also have greater risk of developing cancers such as Kaposi sarcoma, cervical cancer and lymphomas (cancer of the immune system) Additionally, they can get systemic symptoms such as fevers, sweats, swollen glands, chills, weakness and unhealthy weight loss.

5. What is the treatment or cure for this disease? (Also explain how it works) There is no known cure for AIDS. AIDS infection always leads to death; however, this can be post-poned using antiretroviral therapy. Without this therapy, survival time after contracting the disease is only 9 months.

6. How can infection by this disease be prevented? (Hygiene, vaccination, isolation, etc) People are now vaccinated (usually in high school) with Hepatitis A and B, but most of the prevention lies with the affected person. If they are careful about what they do, hopefully no other people will be infected. Using sterile needles, wiping down public toilet seats before use and basically not sleeping around, especially without using a condom.

7. Bibliography

