Getting Into A Youth Challenge Academy

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate May 2001

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Why I Want to be Accepted to the Youth ChalleNGe Academy Currently I am a Junior at Woodstock High School in Cherokee County, Georgia.

I am continually disappointed there by the lack of discipline required of the students and the incredible tolerance of the teachers there who allow chaos to reign. The frantic atmosphere created by the noise and unruly activity of the students, combined with the teachers apathy for doing anything about it, has been a continual source of distraction for myself and others. Because I cannot concentrate in this environment, I have not done well in my studies. However, I am not the problem, but only a symptom of the larger problem at WHS. Instead of our administrators and teachers tackling the real problem, which they themselves are a huge part of, they choose instead to attack the symptoms of these problems. Consequently, they have labeled me as an "at risk" teen.

I feel sure that this problem is not unique to WHS. The news media is rife with stories about other schools where similar situations exist.

My father is a former United States Marine. He, along with my mother, have always tried to instill discipline into me since I was a young child. Both sets of my grandparents have also been a source of any disciplined behavior I possess.

I do not want to return my Senior year at WHS, as I feel that I will fail miserably and be a great source of disappointment to my parents and grandparents who want so much for me, as I do.

Please accept me into the Georgia Youth ChalleNGe Academy and give me a chance to show my true self in a "no nonsense" environment, unlike any that our public schools are able to offer me.

Future plans: Ultimately, it is my goal is to get a degree Thank you for any consideration you may give my request.