Gender Affecting Memory

Essay by all4it123University, Bachelor'sA-, September 2014

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Elizabeth Burke

October 8, 2013

Gender Affecting Memory

A great debate in psychology is whether gender affects memory. There has been

a lot of controversy and research conducted to explain the question, does gender affect

memory? After properly reviewing articles about this topic, I have concluded gender

doesn't affect memory but whether how memory is processed. Each gender has their

own advantage when it comes to memory.

Memory is processed differently between males and females. Women have

better long term- episodic memory, while men have better long- term semantic memory.

Due to verbal clues, women are more likely to remember events that are associated

with emotions. These include weddings, birthday parties, or anniversaries. Due to visual

clues, men are more likely to remember functions associated with tactics. These include

traveling, trivia, and direction. For example, a man is more likely to able to find his way

out of a forest than a woman.

The size of the male and female brain differs. In a scan of the female brain, it

was proven the limbic cortices, which regulates emotion, was larger. The limbic cortex

also processes language. Women have neurons that are tightly packed. This allows

faster communications to be made. The connections they make are more complex and

sophisticated. This could explain why woman are better at multi- tasking. The scan

showed the female brain has larger corpus callosum, which is bundle of nerves that

connects emotion and cognition. As a result, women are better with language abilities

rely more heavily on oral or verbal communication. "If a female were to have a stroke in

the left- front side of the brain, she may still retain some language from the right front-

side. The female brain is more diffused and utilizes significant portions of both

hemispheres for a variety of...