This essay is about why I am proud to be an american.

Essay by ty5833High School, 11th grade October 2003

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I am proud to be an American because we are the most free country on earth. I know I don't have to bow to any man and I can worship my God in the way and in the place of my choice. I can be a Methodist and go to service or I can be Catholic and go to mass on Sundays, I could even be Jewish and go to the synagogue on Saturday. Every night I am able to thank the god of my choice for being able to go to sleep with a full stomach under a well-built shelter with peace of mind. Something that is very rare is most parts of the world. We have Polo, Tommy Hilfiger, Phat Farm, and Southpole where in other parts of the world they have a T-shirt, a cloth, a blanket and sandals no matter what the temperature.

I am proud to be an American because children are free to pursue their dreams, to celebrate their successes and to rise to fight again when they fail.

I have the opportunity to go to school and get an education for free. Moreover, if I do well I have an opportunity to receive a scholarship to a college where I can go to broaden my knowledge of the world around me. I can find out great things about my country such as more than 40 years ago we took a hard look at ourselves and said it was wrong to judge a man by the color of his skin or that long ago, brave men gave up their lives to show the strange concept of people governing themselves could work, even in the worst of times.

I am also proud of my fellow Americans for being able to maintain a free society in a time of terrorism and war. I believe the ability to do that is miraculous. We were bombed in three different places throughout our country and one situation a brave citizen stopped the fourth from happening. Like many people, I am so proud of all the businesses and the employees that stayed in New York after September 11th. The people that still ride the subways and that still fly on the planes and the trusting people who still drop their kids off to school in Manhattan. While I agree we aren't perfect, we are definitely way ahead of the rest of the world.

On another note, being a woman in our country makes me extremely grateful to be an American. As a woman in America I am, in general, the luckiest, most free, best educated and one of the most respected women in the world. I am especially aware of this, as the horrible treatment of women in certain places in the Middleast is becoming common knowledge. Many people in the world put all their energie into just surviving and here we're guaranteed the pursuit of happiness, I think that's pretty amazing and special. means you pledge blind allegiance to your governement or country, that would be a dictatorship. Just like a loving parent or a good friend, will tell you when you're messing up, we as citizens our Constitutionally required to keep our govt in check. For the people, BY the people, that's something to be proud of.

No two-bit terrorist can bring us to our knees, despite all who would wish us ill, no country in the history of mankind has been so generous with its wealth, I can write what I believe to be the truth here and in my newspaper without fear of censorship or reprisal, I can vote my conscience without fear of retribution , long ago, brave men gave their very lives to show this strange concept of people governing themselves could work, even in the worst of times, millions around the world dream of living in my country, being a man of your word means more than having an aristocratic name, I can be a lawyer, a farmer or a newspaper reporter and succeed or fail on my own merits. I'm proud to be an American because of all the great men and women who contributed in their own ways to making this country a beacon for the ages. no country in the history of mankind has been so generous with its wealth.